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Fall to the Ground [Ginta & Kakashi] [Jun. 7th, 2009|09:55 pm]
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[User Picture]From: [info]fallen_ginta
2009-06-08 12:48 am (UTC)


"Pretty... That's pretty," Ginta watched the air sparkle, smiling at it. "Smells like snow." He took a deep breath of the chilled air, then another, savoring it. "Is that a genjutsu? Feels real. If you're Sharinganing me to make me think it's winter, that's cheating. You're shivering, too. Good cheating. I don't think I'm shivering, though, so you missed a detail."

Icy water trickled down his neck, dampening the new shirt. It stung in his burns, but not in any way he really cared about. That was the brilliance of morphine, how it made you not care. Kakashi was tense, sitting behind him, holding him up. That was funny, too. Really funny. Ginta's laugh scraped dry from his chest, a burnt sound.

"Last week, I uh... I pissed Ryouma off. I always piss him off. He used to like me, you know, but now he doesn't. He'd probably think this was funny, you being the one here. It's funny, right?" More laughter, aching and bright, just a little unreal. "And I snooped around in Intel because a friend of mine was getting interrogated, but afterwards I took her and her partner out for drinks and we got seriously wasted. She's smaller than me, but she can totally drink me under the table."

He thought for a moment, letting his eyes drift closed. "I was really hung over the next day. Puked then, too, but you weren't there. Wasn't even thinking about you, actually. Did you know I think about you? Kept trying not to. If you could tell when someone was thinking about you, that would be pretty cool. Or it might be creepy. You think it would be creepy?"

Thoughts tumbled through Ginta's mind like brightly colored children's blocks; tumbled and fell, never holding a pattern long enough for him to quite be sure where they were going next. As Kakashi's icy air cocooned them, Ginta's body fought the falling temperature. "Oh. I'm shivering now. You fixed it," he croaked.