Fallen Leaves - Can't See the Light. [Kakashi & Ginta] [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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Can't See the Light. [Kakashi & Ginta] [Jun. 3rd, 2009|11:42 pm]
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[User Picture]From: [info]fallen_ginta
2009-06-03 11:08 pm (UTC)


"They lost radio contact--with their base." Ginta swallowed and tried not to need the gentleness he heard in Kakashi's voice. Tried not to see compassion and weariness in that pale, masked face. Tried to forget it was Kakashi standing there.

"Sent a runner. Probably--not long ago."

One dog stood there, stiff-legged and guarding, the other one...

"Where's Hoshika?" Her body was gone, and Kakashi had blood on his armour. Blood on his gloved hands.

He couldn't keep going like this. Neither of them could keep going like this. Where had Kakashi found the energy for that fight, this clone? How far was that damned safe house? He made an abortive effort to reach for the clone's shoulders and pull himself upright, hissing when pain lanced through him.

"Give me--something. Please." His eyes begged as much as his voice.