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Leap of Faith. [Asuma & Natsumi] [May. 29th, 2009|12:53 am]
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From: [info]fallen_natsumi
2009-05-28 07:36 pm (UTC)


"Huh." Natsumi tipped her head. "That was surprisingly tactful. Are you sure you don't want to rephrase?"

Asuma smirked and flicked his cigarette butt into the bushes. Natsumi managed, just barely, not to double back and pick it up. It had rained recently enough that he wasn't going to start a forest fire--and it wasn't as though there were any convenient trash cans out here in the wilderness. She focused on the question instead.

"It was easier when I was younger, certainly. I had to re-adjust my form a few times in my teens, but when you know what you're doing, it's not any more difficult than not slapping your arm with the string." Breast-bindings and a chest-protector helped, too, but she didn't need to mention those. "I've been practicing seriously since I was four years old. It's not as though I picked the bow up when I was sixteen and had to learn to deal."

And that was, she decided, quite enough talking about her breasts. "Within fifty meters, I never miss." Or at least, infrequently enough to be never, for all practical purposes. She qualified, "That's as long as the target's not moving or shielding with a jutsu. If you can get them out on the bridge, I can take care of them."

As long as Asuma stayed out of the way, she could even do it without pincushioning that admittedly fine rear end.