Fallen Leaves - Carry Me Home [closed to Katsuko, Tsume and Kuromaru] [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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Carry Me Home [closed to Katsuko, Tsume and Kuromaru] [Apr. 27th, 2009|04:49 pm]
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[User Picture]From: [info]fallen_tsume
2009-04-27 07:50 pm (UTC)


Tsume barked a laugh. The woman had obviously lost her mind. She watched as Kuromaru walked over, took a good look at everything, and then carefully stepped his forepaws up her spine until his giant feet slipped over her shoulders. His chest thudded between her shoulder blades and against the back of her head.

Standing on his hind legs, Kuromaru was taller than most men. Even most shinobi, who didn't run to small. The kunoichi was dwarfed as he bent over her, and his back feet weren't even off the ground. Kuromaru's jaw dropped, and he panted hot air, the corners of his mouth curling up. "If you hold your hands back, I can step on them," he suggested happily.

Tsume had the distinct impression that now, whether or not he could physically walk, he was never going to. He looked much too cheerful.