Fallen Leaves - Carry Me Home [closed to Katsuko, Tsume and Kuromaru] [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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Carry Me Home [closed to Katsuko, Tsume and Kuromaru] [Apr. 27th, 2009|04:49 pm]
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[User Picture]From: [info]fallen_tsume
2009-04-27 07:47 pm (UTC)


Tsume cut in before either of them could speak--or keep speaking. "He can't turn human without using chakra for the jutsu. He can't use chakra if his is rotting." She glared at Kuromaru.

He turned away and pretended not to notice.

"Walking, on the other hand, takes no chakra." Even if she was feeling unsteady on her own feet, and Kuromaru was more recently out of the hospital. She frowned at his sunken flanks and tried not to notice his lackluster coat. Eggs, that's what he needed. Lots and lots of eggs.

"It's nice of you to offer," Tsume said, looking finally at Katsuko. "But he's not readily carriable."

"I could get on her back."

Tsume turned an appalled gaze on her familiar.

His ear flicked back and he looked away again. "You never carry me anymore."

"You're twice my size!"

"I don't get to sleep on your lap, either," he continued as if he hadn't heard.

Tsume pinched the bridge of her nose and tried to remember he was tired and whiny.