Fallen Leaves - Carry Me Home [closed to Katsuko, Tsume and Kuromaru] [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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Carry Me Home [closed to Katsuko, Tsume and Kuromaru] [Apr. 27th, 2009|04:49 pm]
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From: [info]fallen_katsuko
2009-04-27 07:34 pm (UTC)


"Don't like it when people yell," Katsuko muttered, taking the proffered kunai, and if that made her sound about ten years old and whiny, well, she'd had a long day. "Usually ends up with them throwing things at me." She ducked her head to avoid looking Tsume in the eyes. Tucking the kunai into one of the numerous hidden leather holsters strapped to her person, she backed away.

Tsume looked distinctly amused and not at all like she was about to start biting things, and Kuromaru was treating her more like a treed cat than a potential threat. Well, a treed something, anyways. So why did she still feel like she wanted to run and hide?

Katsuko took a deep breath and determinedly went back to pulling her kunai out of the ground.
She made sure to speak when her face was turned away from the pair. "My chakra system's. It's. Screwed up. Hurts when I do minor jutsu."