Fallen Leaves - Pots & Kettles [closed to Genma, Haruichi & Hoshi] [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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Pots & Kettles [closed to Genma, Haruichi & Hoshi] [Nov. 25th, 2008|10:03 pm]
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[User Picture]From: [info]fallen_senbon
2008-12-06 05:52 pm (UTC)


"I guess if you can..." Genma stopped, realizing Hoshi wasn't part of the conversation until she faced him again. He offered her a sheepish smile. "I guess if you can keep Haruichi under control, I can consent to your interfering," he said. "I actually expected I'd get out of your hair before he really got a chance to say anything. I mean, I come back from missions tired all the time, it's just part of the job."

The skepticism in Hoshi's eyes could have curdled milk.

"See I'm really fi..." A yawn split Genma's words. "...ine. Really." Except he was seriously tired now. Enough so that the idea of curling up on that cushion that Hoshi was pointing at emphatically seemed like a decent idea.

Well, he reasoned with himself, why not? If Hoshi needed him, she could wake him up in an instant. Leaving her alone when he'd promised Haruichi he'd stay was unchivalrous to say the least. She'd be safer with him here, even if he was asleep. And if he was resting, even in the wrong apartment, Haruichi could hardly yell at him for not following doctor's orders, could he? That was actually the deciding point, since if Haruichi was at the hospital, he would undoubtedly look up Genma's most recent treatment notes and then come back all fired up about how visiting friend's didn't count as refrain[ing] from unnecessary exertion until chakra stores are measured at fifty-percent of capacity or better. Pt. cautioned to expect three-to-five days inactivity before resuming training.

Or however the notes in his chart had been worded. Not that Genma had looked...