Fallen Leaves - Pots & Kettles [closed to Genma, Haruichi & Hoshi] [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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Pots & Kettles [closed to Genma, Haruichi & Hoshi] [Nov. 25th, 2008|10:03 pm]
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From: [info]fallen_haruichi
2008-12-06 05:51 pm (UTC)


Hoshi just waved her hand a little, an understated gesture that said not to worry about it. She wasn't above noticing the glimpse of placation on her guest's face as he looked up at her, but since he wasn't going to try and hobble out the door there was nothing to worry about and she wasn't going to press him. She easily righted the tipped cups, stacked the saucers with nimble fingers and left Pika's over-eager snuffling nose to seek out any and all crumbs that may have been making bids for freedom.

Then she shrugged just a little, maybe giving away just how young she was in the movement, and looked at Genma for a moment before putting pen to paper again.

--Don't be sorry. Take care of yourself, or failing that, let somebody else do it. I'm going to marry Haruichi, you know. I'm going to be helping look after you guys, too.--

She passed him the paper, with a small pre-emptive smile, and then cleared away the dishes to their corner for cleaning later. Hoshi wondered if Kakashi-san had realized that, either; that when it came to being back in Konoha she was going to be...

Well, if it was Haruichi's life to take care of them (like he'd just proven so clearly to her) then she was going to help. Help Haruichi and help them, as much as she was able. They looked like they needed it, and she felt like she did, too.