Fallen Leaves - Pots & Kettles [closed to Genma, Haruichi & Hoshi] [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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Pots & Kettles [closed to Genma, Haruichi & Hoshi] [Nov. 25th, 2008|10:03 pm]
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From: [info]fallen_haruichi
2008-12-06 04:07 pm (UTC)


Peering down at the paper, seeing the signs, Hoshi properly understood the word for what it was on Genma's lips. She looked up at him and performed the sign for it, a touch of fingers to her stomach, splaying out in a little five-point firework to symbolise the energies. It was how the monks had done it back in the Temple, and it seemed to fit the same idea as the supernatural energy that allowed Haruichi and other ninjas to do such outstanding (and dangerous) things so long as they concentrated and stayed strong.

Chakra. She didn't have to think back to remember Haruichi showing her a bright, pale light on his palm - and how it had tingled, or fizzed, or warmed, or rippled around her fingertips as she touched it. And the smile she'd caught on Haruichi's face as he'd watched her wonder. There'd been no such happiness on his face yesterday as he'd tried to get his healing green light to shimmer on his palms; only concern which gave way to a sort of bereft unhappiness right before he'd just fallen back onto the pillow in bed and stayed that way for hours. There'd been nothing supernatural about that, it'd been excruciatingly human to watch him try and fail and fall.

She took a breath, shaking her head out the moment's memory and looking at Genma with a small shrug of her shoulders. He was right, they wouldn't let him try at the hospital. And he'd said he was coming right back.

--Haruichi showed me, once. I didn't know it could make him so sick to use it up. That doesn't happen often, does it? I know Hatake-san was really hurt but there was only one of him. What if there are more hurt people next time and he faints like that in a field or something?--

Hoshi couldn't even begin to admit how much the thought scared her, just seeing Haruichi so still and defenseless was a shock - because he was always awake and alert and attentive and defensive and if he had that taken away from him she didn't know what might happen to him. Her orange eyes met Genma's, hoping hard that he'd know and have an answer he could give her.