Fallen Leaves - Pots & Kettles [closed to Genma, Haruichi & Hoshi] [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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Pots & Kettles [closed to Genma, Haruichi & Hoshi] [Nov. 25th, 2008|10:03 pm]
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[User Picture]From: [info]fallen_senbon
2008-11-25 05:10 pm (UTC)


Watching Haruichi look at his girlfriend was almost, Genma felt, like an intrusion. He'd never seen that expression on Haruichi's face, that look in his eyes first of adoration, then of something like shame. It was a shocking contrast to the haughty defiance that usually graced his face.

"I know," Genma said, voice softer, less accusing. "It's.... Being on a cleanup crew is never good. Ever." He thought of his own encounters with such teams, both as rescuer, and as the one needing rescue. Cleanup missions were heartbreaking affairs, now matter which side of them you were on. "I don't think I could be the kind of medic you are. I couldn't take it."

At least, though, by the time a retrieval team was sent, there was an awareness that they'd likely be walking into something bad. It wasn't quite as... chaotic... as being caught in a mission suddenly gone insane.

"I guess there aren't too many Hyuuga running around in ANBU. Maybe you could ask Quartermaster to modify the arm guards so they work better for you. I know the Aburame in ANBU have some extra holes drilled and stuff so their bugs can get in and out easily."