Fallen Leaves - Pots & Kettles [closed to Genma, Haruichi & Hoshi] [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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Pots & Kettles [closed to Genma, Haruichi & Hoshi] [Nov. 25th, 2008|10:03 pm]
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[User Picture]From: [info]fallen_senbon
2008-11-25 04:56 pm (UTC)


"Ow!" It was always a surprise when Haruichi moved that fast. Although perhaps it was in deference to being in Haruichi's home, with his large dog watching like a hawk, that kept Genma from defending against the blow. It hadn't been but a few days since his last dog bite, after all. He rolled away from Haruichi's strike, rubbing his head, and stared incredulously at his host. "You believed that?" He blinked and laughed. "It was a joke! When I handed you your vest, which by the way, did you not notice how heavy it is? I said that as a joke. What kind of scientist believes something dense enough to block a katana strike could possibly be a flotation device?"

It was almost enough to distract Genma from his tirade against his friend's stupidity. Almost, but not quite.

"Honestly, Haruichi. I know missions can go bad on you. Believe me." He rubbed ruefully at his sore leg. "And I know sometimes you can't help it. But you have arm guards for a reason! You shouldn't take a blade in the forearm. And you have to know how to swim."