Fallen Leaves - Eww, What's That Smell? [closed to Genma and Tsume] [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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Eww, What's That Smell? [closed to Genma and Tsume] [Oct. 30th, 2008|11:06 pm]
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[User Picture]From: [info]fallen_tsume
2008-10-31 02:29 am (UTC)


Her hackles rose, walking down the corridor. Her steps went quiet in response, and she slid along beside Genma.

There were scents here she didn't know, tickles of chakra that made her uneasy, an overall air of wrongness that hit her in a purely animal instinct way.

"That's... interesting." She'd mostly stopped listening as they'd walked, taking short, sharp breaths as she tried to catalog and pinpoint the smells of death. It didn't work. She consciously went back to breathing normally, but by the time she got into the break room she was scenting again, shoulders tense and chin up, head weaving slightly with every step.

She shook herself and tried to knock it off. Coffee would help. She grabbed a styrofoam cup and poured dark liquid in, lifting it to let steam curl up around her face. It blocked most of the scents, leaving only a vague unsettling sensation of something wrong. Both hands on the cup, she looked at Genma over the rim. "I don't know how you work down here." She wasn't claustrophobic, but the light was all artificial, and there weren't any windows to see outside. It made her twitch.