Fallen Leaves - Better Than It Was. [Closed to Genma and Raidou] [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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Better Than It Was. [Closed to Genma and Raidou] [Oct. 18th, 2008|03:22 am]
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[User Picture]From: [info]fallen_raidou
2008-10-17 09:59 pm (UTC)


"Is that before or after we both end up hung by our heels off the outside wall?" Raidou twisted carefully to give his friend a dry look. "Arakaki'd take that about as well as he'd take a shovel to the face. Except with the shovel you'd get a quick death."

A thought struck him suddenly; perhaps this was his punishment for putting fist to face with Minamoto Touji back in December. Not to mention refusing a direct order to bounce Haruichi around the room for being annoying and toothy to the boss in the aftermath of that whole fiasco. He wouldn't put it past Arakaki to hold onto his revenge long enough until he found something really good to lumber Raidou with.

He pinched the bridge of his nose. "The kid's eighteen. Intel had him doing some sort of seduction mission as a trial by fire. Mostly he got burned."

Genma was doing something to make his chakra prickle. Raidou gave him another look, feeling just a touch grouchier than he normally would at his friend's mother-henning. "Can you quit that? I got scratched. I'm not dead."