Fallen Leaves - And Other Such Expletives. [Closed to Raidou and Kaito] [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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And Other Such Expletives. [Closed to Raidou and Kaito] [Sep. 16th, 2008|09:03 pm]
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[User Picture]From: [info]fallen_raidou
2008-09-16 10:10 pm (UTC)


Brothers and rookies, Raidou thought again, distantly amused despite everything. He had to be giving off some sort of vibe, to kept getting landed with these kinds of people; tough and gritty and trying so hard not to look like they were half a step away from screaming bloody murder.

But that was sort of the gig; you just had to deal and keep going and not fall down, dammit.

"Okay, sure," he said, as if he didn't want to stick like defensive glue to the kid's side. Considering the kind of exams they'd probably want to perform, he doubted his presence would be appreciated. "I imagine they'll shove me in the next room over--" they damn well better, if he had anything to say about it, "--so feel free to wander by and laugh while I try not to swear. Y'know, if you get a sec."

He smiled quickly, dredging it up around a grey moment of exhaustion hitting pain, and headed towards the desk. "C'mon, I reckon if we're lucky they'll have more shiny paperwork for us."