Fallen Leaves - And Other Such Expletives. [Closed to Raidou and Kaito] [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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And Other Such Expletives. [Closed to Raidou and Kaito] [Sep. 16th, 2008|09:03 pm]
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[User Picture]From: [info]fallen_kaito
2008-09-16 05:11 pm (UTC)


It wasn't, of course, that he was embarrassed to be naked or changing or anything like that in front of the other ANBU. He just--didn't want to. He'd spent half his night naked in front of people--that had to be enough, right? Besides, what if his stupid not-a-genjutsu thing kept going? Sure, most people just started offering free food or random help or tried to hug him, but occasionally it sharpened that ugly predator-sense in people and Raidou hadn't done that yet, but--

But he really just didn't want to change with the guy standing right there. Not for any particular reason. He just didn't.

"It's not like you're losing me," he tried. "I mean, I'm within like, chakra-flare range. Just that way." He pointed. "And you look like you could use the break, anyway. I mean--not that you look bad. Just, you got stabbed an' all. And besides, it's not like my clothes are a threat or anything. They can't catch me." He offered a smile torn somewhere between hopeful and pleading. "Y'know?"