Fallen Leaves - And Other Such Expletives. [Closed to Raidou and Kaito] [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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And Other Such Expletives. [Closed to Raidou and Kaito] [Sep. 16th, 2008|09:03 pm]
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[User Picture]From: [info]fallen_raidou
2008-09-16 04:43 pm (UTC)


Raidou glanced up the sky, then looked right. With a very faint grin, he spotted a broad X written in black marker on a nearby tree. It was incongruous in the forest, but might have been left by someone who needed to memorize a jump spot in case he needed it later...

"About half a mile straight out from the North-East corner," he said, and pointed. "The river's roughly a hundred feet that way." Useful things, rivers. Especially for getting your bearings. "And home is about... six hours that way."

Which Kaito would already know, but Raidou wanted to say it anyway.

He started to get up, felt his knees shake, and decided to sit for just a minute longer. That shinobi couldn't translocate after them unless he knew exactly where they were. And Raidou had left him in a lonely hallway with his fallen boss... If the man had any kind of loyalty--and they had any kind of luck--he'd be focusing on other things.

Which meant Raidou could afford a damn minute.

"So," he said cheerfully, studying his new charge through the black-lined eye holes of his mask, "besides your genjutsu trick and wearing very shiny shirts, what can you do?"