Fallen Leaves - And Other Such Expletives. [Closed to Raidou and Kaito] [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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And Other Such Expletives. [Closed to Raidou and Kaito] [Sep. 16th, 2008|09:03 pm]
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[User Picture]From: [info]fallen_raidou
2008-09-16 03:56 pm (UTC)


"Not in so many words," Raidou said, after a long second. He breathed out slowly through his nose; the pinch around his heart had melted into... he wasn't even sure. A tight, nasty feeling a little like panic and a little like frustration. It wasn't exactly conducive to maintaining a mission focus.

His eyes flicked over the blush staining the kid's cheeks--teenager, really; his face was young, but there was muscle padding over his chest and lining his arms--and the awkward twitch as Kaito refused to look at him. "You can't control it, can you?" he guessed. "Well, that figures. The sky'd probably turn orange before we caught a break..."

He offered a quick smile to take the sting away and managed to locate his lockpicks with a triumphant, "Ah!"

Using them one-handed, however, was another matter. Raidou muttered something under his breath as he let go of his back, and set to work on the first set of manacles. Blood made his grip slippery. He focused on touching Kaito as little as he could--the teenager was clearly edgy, which made sense given his naked issues--and kept an ear on the distant sounds of battle drifting through the open grate in the cell door.