Fallen Leaves - Winner Picks Dinner [closed to Raidou and Genma] [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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Winner Picks Dinner [closed to Raidou and Genma] [Aug. 17th, 2008|09:10 pm]
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[User Picture]From: [info]fallen_senbon
2008-08-18 12:14 am (UTC)


"You serious?" Genma asked with a pleased smile. "I'd love that. When Ao-chan was going on about it the other day and I was all, totally have to try that place, but then who wants to go get curry alone right? So I haven't been yet." The opportunity to go out to eat with someone other than Raidou actually had presented itself in the days since they'd heard Aoba wax eloquent about the delicate heat and perfectly balanced vegetables at the new curry place. But, well... It wasn't anyone Genma wanted to go with really. Besides trying a new place with Raidou would be a lot more fun than with some random hook-up. Although he'd still hooked up. But no dinner.

"If you're in the mood for curry, I'm all over that," Genma grinned. Raidou was hardly ever in the mood for curry. He liked healthy stuff. Fish. Vegetables. Even that boring ass tofu cubes in hot water stuff they specialized in at one of the Zen monasteries. The time Raidou had chosen that after a spar, Genma had just stared in disbelief. The monks brought a pot of water. They heated it up. They added cubes of tofu and a couple of extremely bland vegetables and a little seaweed. And just when Genma was really beginning to wonder when they were going to go get the soy sauce and maybe some miso and spices, they'd started ladling the stuff out. Unseasoned. Plain. Boiled. Tofu. At least there had been a bowl of ponzu to dip it in. But really, the rice had had more flavor.