Fallen Leaves - Winner Picks Dinner [closed to Raidou and Genma] [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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Winner Picks Dinner [closed to Raidou and Genma] [Aug. 17th, 2008|09:10 pm]
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[User Picture]From: [info]fallen_senbon
2008-08-18 02:21 am (UTC)


"Excellent," Genma said, and gave the waitress another of those grins capable of melting women (and not a few men) into a buttery little puddle. "Tell him we can't wait to try it. Buddy of ours recommended this place. Said you really redefined curry for Konoha." He wasted no time in pouring Raidou and himself each a tall golden glass of the brew. It was a deep sunshine amber, a little on the sweet side, with a rich, nutty flavor. Maybe a wheat beer, Genma thought. He approved. Sweet beers were always a good choice with curry. So far this place was proving to be as good as Aoba had said it was.

He didn't miss the look on Raidou's face. It was a look he'd seen more frequently in combat. Or sparring. Those times in their spars when Genma had managed some brilliant move and Raidou could tell in a split second that it was going to be Genma's turn to choose dinner that night. The fact that it only happened about a quarter of the time made that look all the more memorable.

"You know what would go really good with the soup?" Genma asked, just before the waitress could retreat. "Those crackery bread things with all the bubbles. Do you guys do those?" Beer and fried starch. That would definitely help take some of the bite out of the burn. If you were a fiery curry aficionado like Genma was, you had to know these little tricks.

"Of course," the waitress answered. "I'll bring them with the soup."