Fallen Leaves - War Stories [Closed to Kakashi and Ryouma] [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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War Stories [Closed to Kakashi and Ryouma] [Jul. 5th, 2008|05:43 pm]
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[User Picture]From: [info]fallen_kakashi
2008-07-05 05:06 pm (UTC)


Minato laughed. "The first one's easy. I was hoping you two wouldn't mind keeping an eye on Kakashi-kun here--" he kept talking over Kakashi's protests, "--while I head back to the front lines. He has a minor habit of fighting when he should be doing other things. Like sleeping, eating, living--"

Kakashi wrenched himself away. "I do not need a babysitter!"

"Then stop acting like a child." Minato gave him a sharp look, mouth falling into an unhappy line.

Kakashi flushed and broke the staring match first. "I'm fine," he muttered, arms crossing. Thin fingers dug into weary biceps, smearing mud. "And you're not my teacher anymore."

Minato sighed. "True. But I still outrank you, so you will follow orders, Kakashi-kun."

Kakashi said nothing.

Minato dragged a hand through his hair, accidentally wiping mud through it, and turned his attention back to Ryouma. "The second favour is all about you," he said, pulling a smile back over his face. "When we have a free moment, I'd love to get the chance to have a conversation about your jutsu." He held up a quick hand. "No thievery intended, but they sound like something that could be useful." He grinned. "And I like to keep tabs on interesting people. Sound fair?"

For the first time, Kakashi looked up and cast a sharp glance over Ryouma. A flash of red spun under the curtain of his hair for a moment, then he looked away.