Fallen Leaves - War Stories [Closed to Kakashi and Ryouma] [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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War Stories [Closed to Kakashi and Ryouma] [Jul. 5th, 2008|05:43 pm]
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[User Picture]From: [info]fallen_kakashi
2008-07-05 05:00 pm (UTC)


"The trick is to actually beat them," Minato returned cheerfully, and hauled Kakashi carefully off his shoulders. "With a shovel, for preference. Though my teacher preferred a pickaxe. On good days he'd take the rusty nails out."

Kakashi managed to get both feet on the ground. He stood up, swayed, and decided leaning against his former teacher for a second was better than falling completely over. "You are such a liar," he muttered.

Minato ruffled his hair, mindless of the mud and questionable pink-ish splatters that stained his fingers. "I merely furnish the truth in interesting ways, Kakashi-kun. It's a talent of mine."

"I can bite you," Kakashi offered, pulling his head aside. Only a keen observer would note he did it a little slower than necessary.

"Through your mask? I'd pay to see that," said Minato with a grin, and tossed a sealed scroll to Hitomi. "New orders from higher-ups. And I need to ask you a favour regarding my precious blossom here--"

Kakashi jabbed an elbow into his stomach.

"--and your equally interesting student at some later date." Minato steadied Kakashi as the boy wobbled again, and ran over his last sentence. "That is, I need two favours. One now, and one regarding Ryouma-kun in the future."