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Pulling Rank (Closed to Inoichi and Ryuichi) [Apr. 13th, 2008|08:41 pm]
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Backdated to January

Sometimes, Ryuichi wondered if the gods hated him. Then he reminded himself that he didn't believe in them anyways, and it was a moot point.
Still, there were times, and this was more defiantly one of them. It hadn't come to blows, not yet, at least, but that wouldn't last, because the man, who had three inches and a higher rank than he did, was staring at him with the cocky grin that said, do it, I dare you, bastard. Ryuichi had been in enough fights, both on and off duty, to know what happened next. Words were exchanged. They were not polite words, and then shifted into direct, and violent, action. About in that order, too, unless someone was feeling creative.

Ryuichi wasn't even sure what he'd done to piss the guy off. Maybe existing. That seemed to be a common thing around here.

"You are one annoying rookie." The guy had a bandage over his recently-broken nose. It didn't do anything to improve his face, though Ryuichi didn't say as much aloud. Despite everything, he knew when to shut up. Well, some of the time, anyways. That counted. He wasn't dead, yet.

Then he blinked. Oh. Realization finally strikes. He'd broken the guy's nose.

Hadn't been much of a spar. The guy's (Ryuichi still couldn't remember his name) stance had been weak, his guard easy to slide under. Maybe you didn't need it, in T and I. Interrogators were supposed to get people from the inside-out, not hurt them with taijutsu. Which had been...simple. Ryuichi wasn't the best, unarmed, he could admit that. Beating the guy, while it hadn't been anything like a cakewalk, had been easier than it should have been. He hadn't bragged, just won, and walked away.

Just Ryuichi's luck that the guy was still pissed about it. "Thanks, I try," he responded shortly, shifting into a low stance, keeping his back to the wall. Guy had cornered him near the stairs, blocking his exit. Not that Ryuichi would have run, but the Intel guy didn't know that. His hand moved back slightly, to the dagger in the concealed sheath. Might be a fight; wouldn't want to go in unarmed. That was just plain stupid.

From: [info]fallen_inoichi
2008-04-14 01:55 am (UTC)


noichi was finishing up some paperwork, eager to get home after a long day. He could see it now; his wife was probably tending to the flowershop while Ino played with her dolls and did some of her academy homework. He wished he could be there more often to see her home from school or to help Kohana around the store. She only went into the hospital a few times a month now that she was a full time mother. There were younger medics to handle missions though Inoichi knew that his Hana-chan missed the action sometimes. It probably wasn't fair to her to still be active in such a dangerous job while she waited at home but he couldn't abandon his post now. Moreover, he couldn't leave his teammates, could he? Shikaku and Chouza were like his brothers-- they needed him. ANBU needed him.

He made his way down the stairs, stopping when he noticed the scene in front of him. He had briefly met Ryuichi some weeks earlier and that looked like a Bad Situation and that was all Inoichi needed to know. He had to save his kohai-- it was his duty. Even though he knew young men in their prime loved to fight it out, it was usually frowned upon when ninja used violence amongst themselves.

"Hi, Ryuichi-kun," Inoichi said kindly. "Thanks for waiting for me. I'm ready to go, so let's head out before Kohana gets angry we're late for dinner, hm? Women can be so vicious sometimes but it's out of love, really."
From: [info]fallen_ryuichi
2008-04-14 01:56 am (UTC)


Ryuichi didn't blink, and only shifted into a lower stance, intent on the fight he knew was coming. He didn't know what his senpai was talking about, really, and at the moment, it wasn't the most important thing on his mind. He wanted to get the fight over with, get something to eat, and then go to sleep. He had the chance to get in a few extra hours, and Ryuichi was damn well going to take them. "'m busy, Inoichi-senpai."

The dagger wasn't completely out of the sheath yet. Not yet. Let the other guy come at him first.
From: [info]fallen_inoichi
2008-04-14 02:00 am (UTC)


Inoichi only smiled benevolently, as though he didn't hear a word that Ryuichi had said. "You remember. I invited you over to my house for dinner tonight. My wife always makes way too much food and you promised to come. We're going to be late if we don't hurry." In reality, Inoichi hadn't invited him over but that was fine. Ryuichi seemed like a bright boy, he would get the idea.

"You can finish this later," he gave the other man (Matsubara, someone he was well acquainted with) a look. "By the way, Matsubara-kun, how's your wife? Did she like the flowers that you got for her the other day?"

Matsubara had the decency to look embarrassed. "Uh-- yeah. She loved them." He looked volumes less intimidating in Inoichi's presence. Probably because Inoichi was his senpai as well, a respected member of ANBU and of the village.

"So, shall we go, Ryuichi-kun?"
From: [info]fallen_ryuichi
2008-04-14 02:01 am (UTC)


There was a pause. Ryuichi watched the Intel man (Matsubara, he'd remember that name, damn right he'd remember it) back down, and shift out of stance. No fight? He was disappointed. Ryuichi had been looking forward to it. Now, it wasn't, as a general rule, good to fight with your superior officers, because they could do Bad Things to you, like pull you off active duty for extended periods of time, or worse. It could always be worse than that, Ryuichi knew. But sometimes they started it, and it would have been stupid not to finish it, unless someone else did it for you. Then it was just done, and nothing more to it.

Ryuichi gave Matsubara a look with narrowed eyes. I'll break something more painful next time, if you corner me. Inoichi-senpai was smiling his bright grin as he always seemed to be, and Ryuichi nodded to him, respectfully. No fighting now.

A shame.

"Sure, senpai."
From: [info]fallen_inoichi
2008-04-14 02:05 am (UTC)


The gentlemanly smile of Inoichi's never failed. His daughter had inherited his smile, though she used it for different purposes. Ino knew how to work it and get what she wanted, even at the age of five. He said his goodbyes to Matsubara and led Ryuichi out and started walking towards the flower shop. "I know that was kind of weird but it's better not to get into scuffles like that... in places where people can see," he said, slightly deviously. "If you're going to duke it out, you have to do it in a more private place."

Ah, to be young again. Where had the years gone? Where were the days when he used to fight guys just because?

Oh right. Those days were long gone.

"But we really are going to have dinner at my home," he gestured towards the flower shop that was coming into view. "With my family."
From: [info]fallen_ryuichi
2008-04-14 02:11 am (UTC)


Konoha was nice, at this time of night. Not pitch-black yet, but getting darker. A nice sunset, big old mixture of red, orange, and purple towards the bottom. Not too cold, either, even if it was still winter. People were out and walking, mingling, because this was a good time to do it. Shinobi got back from missions around now, and, if it hadn't gone to hell, were up for some drinking, some casual fun. It showed. The atmosphere was calm and happy, and Ryuichi couldn't help relaxing his battle-tense nerves. He'd wanted a fight, but it hadn't come. So he wasn't going to get an adrenaline rush. So he needed to relax.

"He started it," Ryuichi almost whined, but not quite, because he wasn't that young anymore. He just sounded a little annoyed, that was all. Just a little.

Right. Exactly.

"And I only broke his nose." No reason to get all upset. Ryuichi didn't brag, -at all-, actually, when he won spars. That was stupid. So....why so pissed? Not like he'd done any serious damage. One thing snapped, one fight won and lost. All good in the world of ANBU.

Ryuichi actually stopped walking to stare at Inoichi. Wait, what?

"I thought you were kidding about that," he said finally, and looking like he very much wished it to be true.

He didn't get along with his own family. Ryuichi doubted the story would be much different with his senpai's.