Fallen Leaves - Long Time, Long Hair [closed to Ayumi and Aoba] [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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Long Time, Long Hair [closed to Ayumi and Aoba] [Mar. 12th, 2008|11:25 am]
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From: [info]fallen_ayumi
2008-03-25 04:50 am (UTC)


She had nearly started to slice her hair, even going so far as cutting a few hairs before he managed to stop her - she had to put the kunai onto the table to please him. She frowned and glanced at it a few times as he dug through his pockets, arching one eyebrow when he presented her with the barrettes. She blinked a few times and then wondered why her head was tilting even when she wasn't telling it to. Huh. Oh, that would be from the beer. Ayumi put out her hand for the barrettes - it made her want to giggle seeing him with reddish-pink barrettes in his hands - and picked up the beer, shaking it and frowning as it sloshed around.

Was she getting to be an even lighter light-weight? Perhaps, since there was still half a bottle or more. All the more reason to stop there, then.

"I guess I could try," she glanced up at her hair and then set the barrettes on the table, pushing her hair out of her face. She opened one barrette and ended up sticking her tongue out in consternation as the barrette refused to go into her hair nice and pretty like normal kunoichi managed to do it. Was there some kind of skill to it? It certainly wasn't supposed to have most of the hair sticking out the way it was from the barrette...and wasn't it supposed to be right next to her head instead of sticking out like that?

Ayumi swiveled her tongue to the other side of her mouth and tried again with the second barrette. Maybe she'd get lucky this time.

"If this doesn't work," she muttered to Aoba, still glaring at her hair. "I'm so chopping it off in my own room."
From: [info]fallen_aoba
2008-03-25 04:57 am (UTC)


Aoba crowed with laughter. "No, way, no way! We'll just have to hustle down to some barbershop... wait, men go to barbershops, women go to... ah..." He paused, trying to think of the word, and he was fairly sure it wasn't 'stylist shop'. "Fuck if I know, but we'll find one for you!" He gave her, and her cherries, a big thumbs up.

"Here, lemme fix that one for ya, 'Yumi." He scooted around the table and adjusted the barrette. Thank the gods for years of practice helping his girlfriends look just as pristine as they had been before they went sneaking into dark hiding places for spontaneous makeouts. The barrette lay flat like it was meant to. "There we go!"
From: [info]fallen_ayumi
2008-03-25 05:08 am (UTC)


"Thanks," she mumbled and watched him work. If Ayumi had been any other kunoichi it would've been embarrassing to let a man fix her hair for her, especially because she'd been unable to do the task. But as it was, Aoba was safe from all sorts of beatings from Ayumi. "Well," she poked the barrettes and sighed. "Might as well go to that girl-hair-cutting-shop now 'cause
otherwise I'm gonna keeping thinking about hacking it all off." Though the barrettes were keeping some of the hair out of her face. At least that part was nice.

"Shall we go?" She got to her feet and stretched her hands high over her head. A random outing with Aoba could be fun. Especially since it'd been so long. And the slight buzz from the beers would keep them both quite chipper.

...as long as Yuuichi and Shin stayed away. But Aoba knew about them, despite all her efforts to keep it a secret from everyone, and at least he'd understand. That was better than nothing, right?