Fallen Leaves - First Impressions Are So Important. [Closed to Kakashi & Haruichi] [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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First Impressions Are So Important. [Closed to Kakashi & Haruichi] [Feb. 28th, 2008|11:50 pm]
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From: [info]fallen_haruichi
2008-02-29 12:53 am (UTC)


Haruichi managed not to roll his eyes or hurl something at Kakashi's backtalk, he was too busy focussing all the energy he had on cramming his temper back into a small box in the back of his head before he did something he'd regret. Tsunade-sensei always told Hinaji and the medical students that they had to keep their tempers no matter who they were dealing with or what was going on. But then, Haruichi had always thought that was rich coming from a woman who could and would punch down a building when somebody pissed her off.

Still, the trickle of hysteria he was hearing didn't sound like a good thing. Haruichi clenched his back teeth set about busying himself in getting the exam table braced up against the wall (lest Kakashi decide to try to crush himself with it during another escape attempt) and only deigned to answer after he'd managed that. "Manners are the preserve of people who give a damn what the patient thinks," Haruichi informed him, crossing back over and eyeing Kakashi with a view to hoisting him by the scruff of the neck and hauling him to the bed. "If I've learned anything from your glittering example it's most certainly not to take that into consideration." A pause, short and considering. "Which part of you hurts least so I can move you?"