Fallen Leaves - Wine, Woman, and Song (Closed to Ryuichi and Aoba) [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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Wine, Woman, and Song (Closed to Ryuichi and Aoba) [Feb. 27th, 2008|08:28 pm]
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From: [info]fallen_ryuichi
2008-03-15 12:49 am (UTC)


Ryuichi took the glass, and nodded. He'd drank to worse things before, and surviving ANBU with most of his sanity intact would be a good thing. Whether it would happen or not, well, that was debatable, as were most things of the ilk. He'd do what he had to, and hopefully it would be enough.

He took a drink, and almost smiled. Good booze. "Good thing to hope for."

Maybe I'll even live up to it.