April 5th, 2012

[info]downrabbithole in [info]faewoods

Who: Alice & Michael (The Mad Hatter).
What: Alice decides to invite herself to a tea party without permission.
When: Early morning, Thursday.
Where: Wonderland (to everyone else, Winterwood).
Warnings: None so far.
Status: In progress!

We're all mad here )

[info]amidthorns in [info]faewoods

Who: Iris ([info]tranquilstrife) & Franziska ([info]amidthorns)
What: A dare accepted as well as a matter of business. All resulting in a meeting with the Big Bad Wolf.
Where: On the road in the woods, Winterwood
When: April 3rd
Warnings: TBD
Status: Incomplete

at least her cloak isn't red )