Fable Folk

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March 12th, 2008

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This is the PB icon journal of [info]strangefable, where I post all the various icons I've made for the specific purpose of PBs in RPGs. Everyone else is doing it and since I've built up a small collection, why not share it with my fellow IJ RPers? Mostly, there will just be icons, but there will also be the occasional banners and other graphics for PB use. Everything posted here is specifically made for use in RP. I also post icons and graphics, many of them not RP-related, over at globesquares on LJ.


1. Credit. Like all icon makers, I put quite a bit of effort into making these icons. It only takes a second of your time, and it shows you respect others and, even more importantly, it lets other people know where they can find more of my icons when they run across them in your journal. All you need to do is put [info]fablefolk or [info]strangefable in the comment box of your icon when you upload it to your journal. Easy peasy! I'm not going to hunt you down if you don't, but if I spot someone using one of my icons without credit, I will ask you at least once to please do so.

2. Comments, while not required, are very much loved and adored. They make me feel good and let me know that people like my work enough to make use of it. They also help me to know what styles and which PBs are most popular.

3. Don't Hotlink. Bandwidth isn't free and it isn't endless, either. If you kill my bandwidth and my hosts cut my images, you're irritating me and depriving anyone else from seeing or using my graphics. Download the graphics to your own computer or upload them to your own webspace. Journal sites allow you to upload icons onto their server (that's kind of the point, innit?) and there's lots of free hosting sites out there like Photobucket or Imageshack for hosting banners and other larger graphics.

4. Don't claim you made them. Yes, PB icons are relatively simple and not worth fighting a whole lot over. However, it's just disrespectful to go around hawking someone else's work as your own. Don't post my icons elsewhere, and especially don't claim they're yours.

5. Don't alter without permission. If you want to change something on my icons, please ask me first. I made them as they are for a reason, and I'd rather not have them changed. If you have a good reason, I'm more than happy to accommodate you, but you must ask first. I might even be able to help you.

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