:: EX VOTO :: - October 25th, 2012 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

October 25th, 2012

cut to the bone. [Oct. 25th, 2012|01:45 am]


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Leaning back against the wall for a moment, the sunset bruised the skyline a dark purple against the clouds that rolled in. He was already beginning to feel the damp flecks of almost-rain on the sharp bones of his cheeks and the serpentine curl of wet wind that drew them in closer. Gamorath had taken leave for the night--the benefit, he thought dryly before he could quite erase the thought, of having someone to take your post. It was a luxury he didn't need, he reminded himself, one of many, and he straightened and stood against the impending rain. Letting something like rain drive him inside seemed like giving up, somehow--or perhaps like giving in. Equal parts curiosity and...something less courageous, perhaps...kept him from refuge, but the latter was easily dismissed. It would, he reasserted, take more than a little rain.

It was perhaps fifteen minutes later that he was eating his words, biting back curses under his breath as he made his sodden way inside. )

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The Song Of A Heartstring's Harpsichord. [Oct. 25th, 2012|12:22 pm]


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It was on the seventh day of the sun retreating into the hole of horizon opposite from which it was born that brought the alchemist, again, to the High Priestess’ steps. It was, however, different this time. Alois had endured through vivid dreamscapes of reconstruction and refinement, subconscious persuasions of symbolic steps that each closed a door that could not be reopened. There was no turning back, there was never any turning back, but it was not turning back that he sought. No. It was light. More light. The Lightweaver's touch. )
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farewells. [Oct. 25th, 2012|08:00 pm]



Weeks ago.


"You killed my father."

She had whispered so softly, clutching her swollen belly with a mother's protective hands. She hadn't felt the need to turn towards him, and so Arun saw only her illuminated profile as the sun set in the city of Vaar through the window before her. She did not see the light, he knew, but was surely lost to memories of a father that had not yet betrayed her. )
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[MOD] Announce [Oct. 25th, 2012|09:18 pm]
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Please welcome our new characters!

Olga Agrafena Ostrantzalka
[ Elle || mayflyaffair ]
Valentin Belov
The Help
Manservant to Olga
[ Ashe || predictionhues ]

Ovdotya Korzhenskaya
Seamstress' Daughter
Apprentice in the Ostreyalsk Household
[ nana || masqueaffliction ]

Khasro Kulmash Muzhezib
Scribe and Forger
[ Elle || mayfly affair ]

Vivianna Selene Wardron
Captain of Rocio
Silverhollow's Pirate Ship
[ Cole || viasdetristeza ]

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