:: EX VOTO :: - September 20th, 2012 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

September 20th, 2012

unicorns, cats, and other fantastic creatures. [Sep. 20th, 2012|03:13 am]
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"And then daddy said that the ice was over twenty-four inches thick and I was like whoa that's a lot of ice to get through just for some fish." Runa was rambling, like she typically did. "The trees were all naked-- but the trees here stay green forever, 'ksinka? They must be magic trees. Do they have unicorns where we're going? )
link7 toppled|checkmate

king of capillaries [Sep. 20th, 2012|03:18 am]

There is something snarling in his trap. )
link8 toppled|checkmate

parlor tricks. [Sep. 20th, 2012|08:39 pm]


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The Warrior and the Tankard was known for very short list of things, but every entry on that grimy little parchment list was legendary in Belorien.

First, the liquor. )
link6 toppled|checkmate

street angel. [Sep. 20th, 2012|10:48 pm]

intentions pure in a pretty carcass soaked with sin. )
link3 toppled|checkmate

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