Thank you for choosing the Space-Time Orient Express! You have currently boarded a Möbius class locomotive. The Möbius is no ordinary railway service. Equipped with a self-propelled steam engine, first-class parlour, observation and dining cars with dedicated kitchen cars, and an ever-expanding fleet of sleeper carriages, we pride ourselves on our frontline stewards' excellence of service. The Möbius' routes are neither here nor there. Defy the spacetime continuum. Immerse yourself in a side of the universe you've never before encountered. Be a part of the legend. Every stopover is guaranteed to be an exciting new adventure.


September 2nd, 2012



To Sing a Song

Characters: Lily Luna, Harry
When: day 2 of songs, breakfast time
Location: Harry’s room
Warnings/Rating: None
Summary: Lily sings an opposite song and is mortified
Status: Complete/Gdocs’d

Oh lord )



In which Clove and Cave do not mix

Characters: Clove, Percy
When: Sunday morning
Location: Gym
Warnings/Rating: Standard HG tribute warnings: her mouth, violence, etc.
Summary: Clove is not a fan of dark, confined places
Status: Complete

Everyone had a weakness )



[No Subject]

Characters: Maggie and Derek Hale
When: Saturday evening
Location: His room
Warnings/Rating: None as of right now, but will change this if that changes.
Summary: Maggie doesn't want to be in her room right now so she goes to the one person that she trusts on the train.
Status: Closed, ongoing

Normally Maggie could deal with the train, but this time it managed to hurt her more than she wants to admit. )



[No Subject]

Characters: Regina Mills and Open
When: Sunday Early Morning
Location: Library Car
Warnings/Rating: None, will update if necessary
Summary: Regina can’t sleep so she goes to the library car to find a book to read when she suddenly has the urge to sing.
Status: Open, Complete

She’d gone and lost her mind )



[No Subject]

Characters: Juliette Silverton and Dean Winchester
When: Late Sunday morning
Location: His room
Warnings/Rating: Maybe some language but that's about it.
Summary: Juliette came down to tease Dean and sings him a song that has her horrified since she doesn't mean any of it.
Status: Closed, ongoing.

Could she die now, please? )



[No Subject]

Characters: The Doctor & Any companions that would like to join in!
When: Sunday evening
Location: The Parlor Car
Warnings/Rating: Low, will update if required
Summary: The Doctor gathers together some of his travelling buddies, which is slightly marred by singing.
Status: Closed/Finished
I know a song about that )



[No Subject]

Characters: The Doctor & Dean Winchester
When: Sunday afternoon
Location: The Forward Kitchen
Warnings/Rating: None predicted, will amend if required.
Summary: The Doctor prepares for his soiree, whilst hindered by a Winchester

Step away from the canapés )



[No Subject]

Characters: Abby Maitland & Nick Burkhardt
When: Sunday Evening
Location: Entertainment Car
Warnings/Rating: Nothing predicted
Summary: Nick's looking for a quiet movie night, which doesn't quite go to plan.
Status: Closed/On-Going

Just play the damn game )



[No Subject]

Characters: Jem Carstairs and Will Herondale
When: Sunday afternoon
Location:Will and Jem’s cabin
Warnings/Rating: None/low
Summary: Jem is very much not looking forward to the train's next stop. Feels ensue.
Status: Completed

The train’s next destination was going to be Shanghai of all places )

[No Subject]

Characters: Percy and Lucy
When: Sunday evening
Location: parlor car
Warnings/Rating: None / Low
Summary: Lucy sets up a meeting with her father. What better way to bond than chess?
Status: Closed!

Knight to F6 )



[No Subject]

Characters: Jaz Parks & Nick Burkhardt
When: Sunday Evening
Location: Nick's room
Warnings/Rating: Maybe some language, possibly bad singing.
Summary: Jaz goes looking for her new friend, and finds Nick instead.
Status: Closed/On-Going

Jules has left the cabin )



Quiet Time

Characters: Tris, Marvel
When: Sunday night
Location: their room
Warnings/Rating: nudity, mention of a wank, adult situations
Summary: Tris tries to have some alone time
Status: Complete

Well, he thought he had a minute )



[No Subject]

Characters: Emma Swan and Regina
When: Sunday Evening
Location: The library car
Warnings/Rating: Really? These two can never play nice so we will say language for sure and will update this as we go.
Summary: Emma found a special book that a certain kid will be happy to see in the library, but she's looking it over first since she wants to read the story on her parents.
Status: Closed, ongoing

Emma couldn't believe what book she found in the library car. )




Characters: Lily, open
When: Sunday, after dinner
Location: Front kitchen
Warnings/Rating: none anticipated
Summary: Lily is a little sad
Status: open, ongoing

Well, it happened, didn't it? )



Alone in the Infirmary

Characters: Prim, Nico
When: Sunday night
Location: the infirmary
Warnings/Rating: none anticipated
Summary: Prim ponders the train and its ways
Status: Complete

At least he trusted her )



Movie Night

Characters: Juliet, Simon B.
When: after this
Location: Entertainment car
Warnings/Rating: None anticipated? Some sad, some angst maybe?
Summary: Juliet doesn't want to be in her room, or alone, so she calls on the one sort-of friend she made on the train
Status: Closed, ongoing

At least she sort of knew him )



[No Subject]

Characters: James Potter & Harry Potter
When: late night (backdated), Saturday night, 9/1
Location: the parlor car
Warnings/Rating: standard HPverse warnings? crappy life histories being discussed?; teen
Summary: James catches up on things with Harry following [this]
Status: Closed/Ongoing

your past is my future and neither looks too bright in this light )



[No Subject]

WHO: Victoire Weasley-Lupin and OPEN!
WHAT: Worrying...and singing...and not believing she sang that
WHEN: Sunday evening
WHERE: Front kitchen car
WARNINGS: Victoire doesn't have the best mouth in the world, and she can be rather blunt about sex.

~~~~~~~~~~ )