Thank you for choosing the Space-Time Orient Express! You have currently boarded a Möbius class locomotive. The Möbius is no ordinary railway service. Equipped with a self-propelled steam engine, first-class parlour, observation and dining cars with dedicated kitchen cars, and an ever-expanding fleet of sleeper carriages, we pride ourselves on our frontline stewards' excellence of service. The Möbius' routes are neither here nor there. Defy the spacetime continuum. Immerse yourself in a side of the universe you've never before encountered. Be a part of the legend. Every stopover is guaranteed to be an exciting new adventure.


August 22nd, 2012



[No Subject]

Characters: James Potter and Zackary Hawke
When: late night Tuesday, 8/21/12 (or 8/22/12 technically since it's midnight?)
Location: pool car
Warnings/Rating: none
Summary: transfiguring some shorts and taking a midnight swim
Status: Closed/Ongoing

want to go in for a dip? )



[No Subject]

Characters: Myka Bering and Harry Potter
When: Wednesday Afternoon
Location: Back Kitchen
Warnings/Rating: None as of now.
Summary: Myka continues to see a corporeal adaptation of Pete everywhere. With memories of her best friend floating through her head she finds herself in the kitchen baking cookies.
Status: Closed, Complete

Hold on, your not Pete )



[No Subject]

Characters: Emma Swan and open
When: Wednesday morning
Location: Back dining car
Warnings/Rating: None as of right now, but that could change.
Summary: Emma's having some breakfast and lost in thought before deciding that maybe she should socialize to get herself away from her thoughts.
Status: open, ongoing

So many questions with no answers caused her to feel helpless. )



Ghost of Passengers Past

Characters: Logan, Rogue
When: [backdated] On the first day of ghosts but really late at night.
Location: his compartment, touring car
Warnings/Rating: Language, maybe? Distress? Sad :(
Summary: Logan sees a ghost
Status: Complete

It was uncanny ... )



To Learn a Lesson

Characters: Jaime, James
When: 8:00 AM
Location: chance car
Warnings/Rating: None anticipated
Summary: Jaime is taking lessons
Status: Closed ongoing

If she turned into a squirrel, she and her magic were going to have WORDS )



[No Subject]

Characters: Will Herondale and Pam Ravenscroft
When: Wednesday night
Location: Will andPam’s room (F 103)
Warnings/Rating: Medium?
Summary: Will (per usual) has a rough week and starts doing rather destructive things. Like talk to Pam. About things he shouldn’t.
Status: Closed, ongoing!

Will staved off talking about ‘the thing’ that had caused a huge white elephant between him and the rest of the Shadowhunters, including Jem. )



[No Subject]

Who: Belle and Gold (baby Vlad is also around)
What: Belle comes back to the room upset. Gold is Not Pleased
Where: Their room
When: Backdated to late Monday night after this
Rating/warnings: Possible discussion of violence? Will edit if more comes up.
Status: Closed/ongoing

She just wanted him )

[No Subject]

Characters: Rogue & Harrison Harper
When: This afternoon
Location: Entertainment Car
Warnings/Rating: None!
Summary: Rogue wants to see a movie
Status: Closed, Dice, Ongoing