The Exodus Program


1st July 2010

4:55pm: Mismatch?
Who: Kieran and Allie (and their handlers)
Where: Their honeymoon suite
When: late afternoon through evening
What: Their wedding

Allie had been in bed when Molly had gently tapped on her door. Feeling puffy in the face and clogged up in her head, Allie rolled out off of her double mattress in her tiny single hotel room to unlock the door and peek out.

Molly, despite her lovely, fun-loving name, was actually a very pinched and dour woman. She'd been with the program for seven years and there hadn't even been a nibble at her genetic match. Molly had even gone so far as to ask Allie if there was anything the young doctor could do for her. Gene therapy or something. Sadly, that sort of thing was quite out of the question. Allie didn't think that Molly had ever forgiven her for shooting her down.

"Allegra," Molly said, pursing her lips as though speaking Allie's name tastes like lemons. "Your match has been found."

A Hangover and the Desire to be ANYWHERE Else )
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