Edinburgh Wrestling League

Sep. 8th, 2011


06:25 pm - Kelcey Wallace, The Perfect Journal

Journal Entry-

Looks like NEWA came and went faster than HD-DVD. I was surprised that it abruptly shut it’s doors without giving the talent some sort of notice, to me it wasn't the way I envisioned the end of such hard work. Now once again, twice in the last year we venture to find a new home and from word going around it looks like the WWA, World Wrestling Alliance will be the next place to go. In the meantime while that is being primed for success I have a few months to kill so I have decided to come back to Europe and wrestle in EWL, Edinburgh Wrestling League. Now I’m close to home but that really isn’t a good thing so I have also signed up for some modeling jobs and a few pageants in Wales, Scotland and England.

It’s going to be a long trip but I think Elvis and I….my Sheep Dog will be just fine. I was well on my way to becoming the NEWA Champion, I was inches away from winning it until I was cheated so I am still perfect. Many question my perfection but in the end everyone knows that I could beat Arson one on one and unfortunately I will never get to prove that. I was a Main Eventer, I was the Perfect Champion and I was about to introduce the “Perfect Mask” to all of the uglies in NEWA. Well, coming back to the UK I will have that opportunity considering a family of five in England share six teeth. NEWA gave me the opportunity to shine and though it didn’t last because of this or that just like the SWA I truly believe that when WWA opens it will be like no other league and it will survive whether the SWA comes back or not. In the meantime I will do what I do best…..


As for my family? I will keep in touch and hope to see you here in Edinburgh or on Twitter. To my opponents like Apalachi, Elijah Hunter and anyone else in FSW or the NEW Alliance all I have to say is too bad. You sucked then and you suck now whatever the league name is. I am Perfect and the legacy of Perfection didn’t die with the SWA and it didn’t die in NEWA. That legacy will continue and yes my Humanitarian efforts to bring Perfection one Ugly at a time still stands.

Now I want to send a special message to some I care for and that is Timothy Myers. You are a good man and you have had your issues. I have seen the fun side and yes you have seen mine. I hope you come to Edinburgh and if you do not I understand just know you are a dear friend and will be missed. Monique, my tag partner and best friend, I know I will see you soon out here. Shaya and Sidonia? Now is the time to build on our future and make things happen…..


I leave you with my last recorded Promo on TV that was never aired as it was to go on broadcast last night…..

Pete Floyd, I’m not done with you…..this is just the beginning.

See You in Edinburgh!

Kelcey Wallace



Last Recorded Kelcey Wallace Promo in NEWA 9/8/11




”Irony regards every
simple truth as a challenge.”

-Mason Cooley

FSW Headquarters
Pete Floyd’s Office
Kissimmee, FL.
12:20 PM

FSW Promoter Pete Floyd walks in with lunch in his hands……

He is ready to go to his office and passes his secretary…..

Floyd:”Stacy right?”

She nods…..

Stacy:”Yes Mr. Floyd.”

Floyd smiles…..

Floyd:”You are the third Secretary I have had in 2 weeks, do me a favor, hold my calls until 1:00, I’m having lunch and NO visitors.”

Stacy goes to say something….

Stacy:”Oh okay but your dau….”

Floyd stands stern……

Floyd:”NO visitors!”

Stacy obediently nods…..

Stacy:”Yes sir.”

Floyd walks into his office and closes the door….

He goes into his bag and starts eating fries…….

Suddenly he hears a VERY familiar, gentle and beautiful English voice…..

Voice:”Mmmmm…McDonald’s French Fries, I can smell them a mile away.”

Floyd freezes with half a fry in his mouth…..


Floyd’s chair turns around……

And Kelcey is sitting in it wearing jeans, a short sleeve tight red shirt and flip flops, her hair is down……

She plops her feet on his desk with the hot pink pained toe nails….

She cracks her beautiful smile…..

Kelcey:”So what’s for lunch?”

Floyd sighs as Cuchillo suddenly stands behind him and startles Floyd…..

Floyd:”Jesus….does he have to do that?”

Kelcey smirks……

Kelcey:”Sit down.”

Floyd raises an eyebrow…..

Floyd:”Young lady, this is MY office so please get out of my chair.”

Cuchillo stands behind Floyd……

Staring him down….

Floyd:”You know what? Go ahead and sit there, you look comfortable.”

Kelcey giggles….

Kelcey:”Good. Now SIT!”

Floyd sits down and sighs…..

Kelcey:”Stop sighing….what did you bring for me? I’m famished.”

Floyd shakes his head….

Floyd:”No way….I have been looking for…”

Cuchillo stands over Floyd…..

Floyd drops his head and slides the bag to Kelcey….

She grins and looks in it…..

Kelcey:”Hmm….let’s see, a Big Mac, a Double Quarter Pounder w/Cheese, two cheeseburgers? My God man, all of this is for you?”

Floyd frowns and nods…..

Kelcey:”A Large Fries and a Cherry pie? Pete, we are putting you on the Perfect Diet! You need to lose weight and stop eating like this. You see what happens when people eat to much?”

Kelcey whispers Dr. Jack….

Floyd:”I’m hungry Kelcey. Why are you here and how did you get in here.”

Kelcey takes her feet off the desk and sits up….

She takes out a Cheeseburger, un wraps it and starts eating, Cuchillo grabs the Double ¼ Pounder…..

Kelcey:”To have lunch with you of course.”

Floyd shakes his head…..

Floyd:”You’re a bad liar Kelcey.”

Kelcey giggles…..

Kelcey:”You’re right. So, I came here to talk about me of course and as for your new secretary? I told her I was your daughter…..sweet girl. She said I was gorgeous…..then I look at your ugly ass and wonder why I lied.”

Floyd raises an eyebrow…..

Kelcey:”No Mr. Floyd I am here today to talk about once again my #1 Contendership that YOU gave Madison Chase. I never received my rematch, now since I am now The PERFECT Champion with my beautiful PERFECT belt I am above all of your champions and above all of the Champions of the NEW Alliance. You will give me my rematch when I call for it.”

Floyd nods….

Floyd:”I told you that you would Kelcey. Now….since you two ate half my lunch, can I eat my other half and be left in peace?”

Kelcey bursts out laughing…..

Kelcey:”I’m not close to being done. I am just getting started. Now, Mr. Floyd a PERFECT Champion needs Challengers does she not? I’m not talking about Apalachi who thinks if he wins the Gator Alley Championship that he suddenly becomes relevant because that is not the case.”

Floyd stares at the Big Mac…..and the fries Kelcey is eating…..

Floyd:”Kelcey, it’s not an official belt.”

Kelcey nods at Cuchillo……

Floyd quickly cuts in…..

Floyd:”I meant it’s not official until your first defense.”

Kelcey smirks…..

Kelcey:”Good. Now Apalachi, after I defeated him of course now says that I am no longer Main Event material….do you agree?”

Floyd shakes his head…..

Floyd:”Kelcey, do not listen to Apalachi….you are one of my Main Eventers.”

Kelcey nods……

Kelcey:”Comforting, I mean I didn’t see Apalachi at the NEWA PPV in the final four, so I must ask…WHY AM I NOT IN THE MAIN EVENT!?”

Floyd is taken back….

Floyd:”Kelcey, listen you eliminated yourself in the battle royal because of Simon so you lost that opportunity but others will come. How are you and the Lymans doing?”

Kelcey rolls her eyes…..

Kelcey:”They attacked me. They want to fix this? Then let them fix it, I’m not.”

She stands up as Floyd eyes the Big Mac…..

Kelcey:”Yes, Lestat Du Lac is in the Main Event and yet I am not? Well Mr. Floyd let’s do this….he is a Main Eventer in your eyes so I challenge him and defend my Perfect Championship against the Vampire.”

Floyd thinks for a second……

Floyd:”I’ll see what I can do.”

Kelcey gets right in his face and takes a fry…..she teases him for a second and eats it….

He sighs….

Kelcey:”The PERFECT Challenge for my PERFECT Belt and it starts at Showdown.”

Kelcey slaps Floyd’s hand as he tries to grab the Big Mac…..

Kelcey:”Remember your weight and cholesterol. Now we have more to discuss and that is this. Cuchillo?”

Cuchillo nods..


Cuchillo places a box on Floyd’s desk…..

Kelcey full of excitement opens is and takes out a huge poster of her draped over the American Flag with a microphone in hand, the banner under her is…


< B>Floyd:</b>”What the fu……”

Kelcey grins……

Kelcey:”Yes! My new Campaign! I want to continue my Humanitarian relief for this mediocre world of ours by helping one ugly at a time. It is my way to give back to society even if it’s nearly impossible to do so. I want to take on this fight Mr. Floyd so people like Dr. Jack, Hunter’s slut and even Randall Arson…..scratch that there is no helping that coward after he ran out of here because he knew one on one he couldn’t beat me.”

Floyd nods….

Floyd:”You would have beaten him, I do not deny that.”

Kelcey grins again…..

Kelcey:”Yes! That makes me happy that you see it my way.”

Floyd nods and reaches for the Big Mac….

Floyd:”Yes I do, can I have my Big Mac?

Kelcey slaps his hand…..


Floyd sighs…..

Kelcey:”Now we my campaign we will have these….”

Kelcey takes out The PERFECT Mask….

A black mask with no eye or mouth sockets, instead covered in diamonds, The Perfect Mask written on the forehead……

Floyd:”What are you planning to do with those masks?”

Kelcey grins and puts it on Floyd….

Kelcey:”After I defeat my opponents they will wear this mask in a show of perfect victory. You see Mr. Floyd, I am helping one ugly at a time. None of you will ever be perfect, none of you will ever be good enough, none of you are on my level and at least by wearing the mask you accept your mediocrity and you understand that your ugliness hides behind perfection. All of you Mr. Floyd will soon learn that Perfection HAS a price and it is the Mask of your ugliness. Please…..have lunch.”

Kelcey pushes the Big Mac towards Floyd……

He tries to take it off but Kelcey intervenes…..

Kelcey:”Oh no Mr. Floyd…..the mask stays on.”

Floyd tilts his head…..

Floyd:”How the hell am I supposed to eat!? I’M HUNGRY! Why am I wearing this mask!? I am the Promoter of FSW damn it! I can easily fire you! Get out of my office and let me eat my lu….”

Kelcey quickly grabs the Big Mac and is about to take a bite out of it….

Floyd:”NO! You’re right…..I’ll wear the mask.”

Kelcey nods….

Kelcey:”Oracle Cuchillo.”

Cuchillo smirks as he takes out a blade….

Cuchillo:”Orale heina!”

Cuchillo puts the knife in front of Pete Floyd….



Cuchillo cuts the mouth of the mask……

Kelcey gets up, grabs the rest of the fries, gives Floyd the Big Mac and Cherry Pie…..

Kelcey:”Enjoy your lunch.”

Kelcey smiles as she walks out……

Cuchillo tucks away his blade and smirks…..

They both walk out…..

Floyd breathes heavily.…….

And then takes a bite of his Big Mac……

Scene Fades



Kelcey Wallace

“The Perfect 10”

Don’t Hate Me
Cause I’m Beautiful

Current Location: Orlando, FL.
Current Mood: contemplative
Current Music: "Pretty Girl Rock"
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