Heroes or Villains

it's your time to choose.

9/29/08 09:45 pm - [info]samgoboom

Who: Samantha Blanche and Peter Petrelli
When: Afternoon, around 3:30pm
Where: Apartment Complex, her floor.
What: Trying to get all her groceries up.

One Of Those Days. )

9/23/08 02:49 am - [info]fatecanfindyou

Who: Mohinder Suresh
When: 7:17 pm
Where: Chandra Suresh's apartment, New York
What: looking for his father

jet-lag and worry )

9/12/08 01:46 pm - [info]paintedfutures - Panic

Who: Isaac OTA
When: 5:06pm
Where: Downtrodden Shadow Of Downtown, New York
What: Looking For A Fix
Panic )

9/11/08 03:22 pm - [info]uncommonsense

Who: Boston Fitch, Peter Petrelli
When: 2:13pm
Where: Fitch Flowers
What: Working

caught out in the rain. )

9/4/08 06:30 pm - [info]clockwork_

Who: Gabriel Gray, Nicole Sanders
When: 11:43am
Where: Queens, New York
What: Hunting

to catch a lucky lead. )
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