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[19 Mar 2017|09:19am]
Who: Ted and Andy
When: Friday, March 17, midday
What: Working on sprucing up The Shrieking Shack to turn it into The Rebel and The Hooligan
Where: The Shrieking Shack, obvs
Rating: Low (though one little tease, so not totally without adult content)

It does not bother me to say this isn't love / Because if you don't want to talk about it then it isn't love )
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[19 Mar 2017|04:27pm]
Characters: Ted Tonks and Andromeda Black
Date: Sunday 19th March
Setting: The Dragon and Duck
Content: Language
Summary: Andromeda gets a necklace that she can't get rid of and apparently Ted is the one she needs help from... You sure, Andy? ARE YOU SURE?

Avoidance )
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[19 Mar 2017|07:58pm]
Characters: Evan Rosier & Rosie Woodcroft
Date: Sunday evening -- March 19th
Setting: A cocktail bar in wizarding London.
Content: TBD?
Summary: A drink.

Cheers... )
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