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[18 Mar 2017|04:25pm]
Public message added later:

Minister, I am surprised to see that you have sanctioned the use of the Unforgivable Curses. What is the world coming to...

Death Eaters )

Galen Travers )

Remus Lupin )

Wilhuff Mulciber )
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[18 Mar 2017|05:56pm]
Characters: Lana & Fay
Date: Saturday, afternoon
Setting: Lana’s Flat
Content: Likely low (will change if needed)
Summary: Fay being Fay

Nothing was safe anymore )
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[18 Mar 2017|08:35pm]
Characters: Alice Sayre, Lily Evans and Mary MacDonald
Date: Saturday 18th March
Setting: Their current living quarters at Hogwarts
Content: James bashing, obviously, so mega-HIGH
Summary: Girl's night

Boy Bashing Optional )
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