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Family! [19 Mar 2017|05:30am]

So I love making lists etc, and on Anna's inadvertent suggestion, I'm going to put together a family tree for the game. This will, alas, probably exclude muggleborn characters who haven't married into a wizard family but- that's how it goes?

To help me out, please comment with your characters and their relations (if they haven't been mentioned by a brother or sister or parent in play already)- children, spouse, parents, siblings. Feel free to make cousin connections here.

For help, here's the Black family tree, the Potter family tree, and the Weasley family tree.
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[13 Mar 2017|05:24am]


SUP EVERYONE, Legs here with my third- Griselda Marchbanks. Here are some facts presented as bullet points:

  • She's 106 years old; to give some context for this, she's a full decade older than Dumbledore.

  • Some old people retire. Grizzy works several jobs- as an Elder in the Wizengamot (since 1954), as a member of the Hogwarts Board of Governors (since 1914), and the Head of the Wizarding Examination Authority. You know those OWL and NEWT questions your character hates? She probably wrote them. And she personally oversees testing of Charms, Transfiguration, and Arithmancy NEWT exams, as well as the whole examination process.

    Also she does independent research and writes academic books. Also she sometimes teaches at Hogwarts as a guest professor on various elective topics (last years: 43, 58, and 73.) ALSO she is a busybody in every department of the Ministry. She doesn't sleep much. She can sleep when she's dead.

  • Half-blood with a muggbleborn Irish Catholic father, although by blood and marriage she's related to half the Sacred 28. Her mother was a Fawley, her grandmother a Lestrange, her grandchildren are all Burkes, and she has great-grandchildren with a number of other surnames.

    Needless to say, she does not believe in judging on bloodlines- and that goes both ways.

  • Widowed; her husband Burwood Marchbanks was a Hitwizard and Head of the DMLE until his death in 1962. She is now seeing an older gentleman, name currently TBD. (Elphias Doge? Because that could be fun.)

  • She believes in the Ministry, justice, and the power of knowledge!

  • She will poke you with her cane if you give her lip.

  • Her memory is a little scary for every student she's ever tested. She will remember your name. She will call you it in the street. She will call you "my dear/young man/young lady" if you are under 85.

  • Her hair is always perfect.

  • Beyond the academic, her hobbies include flying Muggle aeroplanes and racing competitively on brooms (shockingly, there aren't many people left in her age division).

  • She will get involved in your business if she believes it's become her business, and a lot of things become her business.

  • The sanctity of Hogwarts and children's education is ultimately her biggest driving force and she will throw herself in front of a train on their behalf if that's what it takes.

  • Though she is defensive as fuck on behalf of all her blood descendents. And prays to God that none of them go on trial as Death Eaters.

I thiiink that's the gist of it but YAY looking forward to Ravenclawing like mad.
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[12 Mar 2017|02:29pm]

Okay so, Arden here. Gonna TRY to do this intro. Forgive my foggy state of mind. But...

This is Augustus Rookwood. He is an Unspeakable. "Neutral" in the war... Though he will become a DE soon enough, I'm sure. After all... Voldemort does have the right idea. He is married to his best friend, other half, Ursula Rookwood. She's a real catch, he loves her. *kisses* To the public eye, Augustus and Ursula are the bleeding hearts. Love to give to charity. Want to help all sorts of people and children. But behind closed doors, he despises kids. Hates muggles, mudbloods, half breeds, blood traitors... ect.

Play with him. ;)
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[12 Mar 2017|10:13pm]


Hello all!

Here is my third kidlet in the game, Ms Artemis M. Travers. She is Galen's baby sister. She is also Regulus Black's Engagement Widow. She was engaged to Regulus as soon as he was born and she was like...six years older than him. How's that for pureblood matchmaking skills? He recently died and she is SAD SAD SAD. The reason may be...she married Regulus in a super sekrit ceremony of two and may be pregnant with his child. But no one knows that. Yet. >_>

She is a pretty, shy girl who loves History of Magic. She's a historian and professional magical artifact/historical art appraiser for Borgin & Burke's, although she works from a home office. Her parents allowed her to work but they are not letting her sit in Knockturn Alley, of course.

She is also not a DE, and she is frankly very VERY afraid of the Dark Lord and the whole DE business, but she doesn't say it out loud and supports her family and friends in their ventures quietly, all the while hoping they would see the error of their ways. She just loves books and poetry and really old things and if you are nice to her she will be nice to you. Otherwise she will pretend like she's invisible.

Let's talk connections?

P.S: Sirius is probably the only person she actively sneers at.

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[12 Mar 2017|12:05pm]


PREPARE FOR ALL THE GIFS. Meet Melisande Yaxley and Kur Mulciber )
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[12 Mar 2017|09:05am]


I've got Ursula Rookwood here. She's a lady of leisure who spends her time helping the needy, cross-stitching and organising fundraisers--all of which she hates. To everyone but her husband, she has crafted a charming reputation. Behind closed doors, her purist views are rampant as are her desires to rid the world of all things impure. Augustus is the only one to know about such things at this moment in time but she will eventually join the Death Eaters. With that being said, I imagine her social circle would encompass all sorts so there's potential for a lot of back-stabbing in the future.

She was a Prewett so would be distantly related to several in game. Augustus let it slip during one event that she was unable to have children (he got a good seeing to that night for such a LIE, thank you very much), and she has a true hatred for her family--looking at you, Molly. Again, this hatred is well concealed though she might well have let a few sharp remarks out regarding all those Weasley children... How does one afford all these cretins?

At the moment she has a cross-stitch/sewing club and she hosts many an afternoon tea. She burns the sofas that have housed all Mudbloods, obviously. Oh, and she and Augustus often go muggle/meerfolk/unicorn/werewolf hunting. They're just your normal couple, really.


Oh, and the woman dresses TO THE NINES. Evil Queen style.

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[11 Mar 2017|03:45pm]

Thanks for the input regarding the tricky Severus situation (damn man)!

We're going to say that all Death Eater take the Unbreakable Vow not to betray the identify of each other. I'm not even all that bothered if it's Voldemort that made them take that vow. It might have been something agreed amongst the fellow Death Eaters (eyeing you, Lucius). Either way, if a Death Eater exposes the identity of another, they will die. Obviously, if Voldemort dies, this secret dies with him too... or whoever made them make the vow. Let me know below if you have any further thoughts on who made them take the vow (otherwise I'll just assume Voldemort).
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[10 Mar 2017|06:15pm]

Happy birthday to the Queen of the PB changes, Jen! <3 Hope you have a brill day. Gif spam time...

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[10 Mar 2017|01:33pm]

Mobile so excuse typos!

We've hit a potential plot hole so I'm opening this up for discussion. Severus has joined the Order and has agreed to infiltrate the Death Eaters. However, this might mean that Dumbledore would know the identities of the Death Eaters. I know some are not ready to be outted yet so we need a way around it. Two possibilities so far:

- Dumbledore knows but does not act on it yet. He would still need evidence because he could not use Sev without outting his true allegiance to the Ministry.
- DEs take the unbreakable vow stopping them from betraying the identities of each other. In canon, DEs do expose each other but only after Voldemort has been destroyed (ish).

Any other ideas would be welcomed!
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[08 Mar 2017|08:32pm]

PB change for Moody. Blame gifs. And K. And Moz.
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Friend Button [08 Mar 2017|06:22pm]

Just a reminder to run the friends button again as a few other members have created accounts.


I'm leaving this unlocked until after the weekend. Hopefully most of us will be caught up by then. Thanks again for the patience.
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Update [07 Mar 2017|07:45pm]

Just a few things:

• Let me know if you're having any issues accessing the comms or other journals.
• If your journal was deleted in the IJ!apocalypse, if you can recreate that journal with the same name, that would make things easier. I do not expect you to rewrite your app if that has been lost, but if you could post basic info (age, house, profession, affiliation etc) that would be useful.
• Activity this month is going to be restricted to a journal entry (no thread requirements).
• I'll be posting whole game plot on Sunday. Sorry Mafalda!
• Thank you again for adding and readding people. I know it's a pain. Another thanks to K and Arden for compiling all the usernames and generally being my code gurus.
• PLOT NOTE: Assume both Dumbledore and Voldemort had meetings regarding the attacks. Voldemort will have fake smiled and Dumbledore will have given a spiel about FINDING LIGHT IN THE DARKNESS.


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[25 Feb 2017|12:35pm]
Hey, guys! It's K (again) and I'm starting to think I might have a problem.

This is Amelia Bones, Edgar's younger sister and a badass Hit Witch for the DMLE. She was handpicked by Moody for the job and he's been a mentor of sorts ever since. She's a relatively new Order member, joined up three-ish months ago, and fully supports the cause.

Vivacious in every sense of the word, she is outgoing and friendly to just about everyone (unless you're going to be an ass in which case take it somewhere else because she doesn't have time for that). She loves her family, especially Edgar and his kids, and will protect them at all costs. She's very much a work hard, play hard kind of girl.

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Yo yo yo [24 Feb 2017|06:18pm]
Hi everyone! I'm Tabby, bringing you Lucius Malfoy. You're welcome. So he's 25 and a bit of a stuck-up prick, as you'd expect. As a Death Eater, he's proven himself relatively competent and reliable, and worked his way to Voldie's inner circle by this point.

He's got a bunch of canon connections already, but I am up for anything and everything and I love love love torturing my characters, so if you have any dastardly plot ideas, hit me up! Lucius's full bio can be found here!

I can't wait to get playing with you all :)
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Introduction! [25 Feb 2017|02:06am]

Hello hello folks!

Lovely to be here. I'm Moz and I'm returning to RP land after a very long hiatus. I bring to you two characters:

Edgar Bones - [info]downinhistory & Poppy Pomfrey [info]humanbehaviour

Edgar is stately, calm, cool, calculated, a seasoned politician with an auror's training and years of strategic work for both the Ministry and the Order. He is loyal, kind, and warm, but he is also incredibly exacting and judicious, and does not suffers fools easily. He is divorced, has a set of twins with his ex-wife, and he loves his younger siblings and often plays mediator between any and all family feuds. He is open to mentoring young Order members and believes in fairness, open communication and being pro-active.

Poppy is loud, proud, vivacious and just bloody REALLY good at her job. This is why she is a consultant to the Ministry of Magic on use of dangerous plants and naturally occurring poisons, and as a Healer, she's the primary caregiver and bone-setter to the folks working inside the Department of Magical Law Enforcement. She is a posh gal (her mother is a MALFOY, for crissake!), but she is astonishingly good with and cheerful around blood, gore and everything macabre. Studying potions and the human body are her thing and she takes her job seriously. She is adventurous and firmly neutral - meaning she will fix up anyone who comes to her with a need to be fixed up. She operates on a strictly don't-ask-don't-tell policy with her patients.

Friends? Enemies? Lovers? Haters? Give me your all! Would love to plot and play with you ALL!

Catch me on AIM: holyconman // email: nuzhat . saadia @gmail . com

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yet another intro [23 Feb 2017|09:44pm]
Legs here- I needed a bad guy (who doesn't?) so, with that, I bring you Castor Yaxley, Death Eater extraordinaire. He's 29, a Slytherin who finished Hogwarts in 1968, and heads one of the Obliviator teams. Cas isn't actually THAT staunch of a purist- he's in it for the power, the connections, and also really just the fun of it. He does lurve himself some Imperio. A surprisingly hard worker who's big on charm (bigger on self-importance), he's a schmoozer and an arse kisser and a bit of a sociopath and will do whatever it takes to further his own interests (literally anything. no shame. few boundaries.)

He was previously engaged to Andromeda Black before she hit him with a blasting hex when he tried to get to know her (ie forced his hands up her skirt), though the public story is that her father decided she wasn't ready for marriage after all. After that fiasco, he has yet to find a woman who meets his exacting standards for marriage(ie a beautiful, intelligent, well off, preferably devious pureblood who will happily let him sleep around with other people); for the time being he entertains himself with dalliances and, you know, Death Eating.

Anyway I've chatted with a few of you but open to all sorts of lines! YAY DEATH EATERS!
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[22 Feb 2017|07:30pm]
Let’s just scoot past this bit. I clearly have a problem.

ANYWAY, this is Glenda Chittock. She’s 24, a former Ravenclaw and currently has her own show on the WWN. It’s fairly topical but also includes some of her favourite music--you can request anything but ABBA. Let’s just say she’s obnoxious, loud, rude and likely doesn’t care if she offends you. She is also easily offended herself and lashes out rather than seeing things in a reasonable fashion... so she's the type of girl who will happily have a pint with you but then end the night with a punch-up. FUN TIMES. She also sings (UNASHAMEDLY--I MUST USE THESE MIC ICONS) and will be performing in Andy and Ted’s bar when it’s finally up and running.

Future wise, I’m hoping she’s going to set up her own rogue network when she gets fired for being too controversial. Oh, and she lasted as two weeks as an intern in the Prophet before she refused to get coffee for the editor--or something equally ridiculous.

Friends, pasts, enemies, HIT ME UP. Also, someone needs to take credit for her CHATTY nickname.
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[22 Feb 2017|11:17am]

Hi everyone. This is Rei and I am bring in Professor Minerva McGonagall. A bit about her. She is a former Gryffindor and went to work at the Ministry for two years after graduation, she worked in the Law Enforcement. She found the work to be not satisfying and returned to teach at Hogwarts and has been working there for over 20 years. She isn't Deputy Headmistress "yet" but she is hoping for the promotion within a year or two. She is however, the Transfiguration Professor and HoH. Which she takes her duties very seriously. Oh and she is an Order Member. She is extremely happy that James and his gang of hooligans no longer attend Hogwarts and the grey in her hair has stopped for the moment. (Just kidding she is fond of them). Is in a very complicated relationship with Elphinstone Urquart, which he has asked her to marry him and she said no but have continued an off/on again relationship for years. YEARS! Minerva needs friends, enemies, and lovers are a no-no. She is already complicated.
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[20 Feb 2017|05:09pm]

Hey, guys! K here with my third kiddo -- and first ever Slytherin -- Dahlia 'Lia' Travers!

She's a purist, traditionalist, and elitist. She grew up sheltered and pampered, spoiled and doted upon by her family. Her father is a Death Eater as are her older brother and her husband and she's thrown her lot in with them. Family comes first after all. She's a socialite, but when she's not busy with this event or that, she's at home with her two children.

Just because she looks like a fairy princess, doesn't mean she is one. She is cool, calculating, and smarter than she wants you to think. Charming and seemingly genuine, she has a knack for putting people at ease and gleaning information from them, most of the time without them realizing what just happened. Maybe she'll use it against you, maybe she won't. And while it's not as wide as her husband's, she has a sadistic streak of her own and won't hesitate to use it in defense of herself or her family.

So, stuff and things, yes?
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[19 Feb 2017|07:27pm]
Robyn here. I known I still have intros to reply to! I'm sorry, I'm usually very prompt at that! However, at the very least, here have Mary!

Mary Sunshine MacDonald )

This is a crummy intro. But there she is! Give me things! And I will try to go reply to other intros sooooon! <333
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