After Ever After OOC's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
After Ever After OOC

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[13 May 2012|12:42am]
Greetings everyone! I'm a little behind here, but the time of introductions is finally upon us. My name is Sierra. I'm a twenty-four year old from the heart of Texas. I half-manage a hotel for income, and I live with my husband and our small menagerie of pets in the middle of nowhere. Most of my spare time is spent online, so I'm insanely easy to get in touch with.

So yes. That's me in a nutshell. Now on to the good stuff!

Ashley Spinelli )

Timothy Turner )

[13 May 2012|07:29pm]
Hello! I'm Becky and very excited to bring in this little lady Reggie Rocket.

Reg )

[ viewing | May 13th, 2012 ]
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