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After Ever After OOC

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PLOT TIME [04 Jun 2012|08:54pm]


Now that I have your attention, I would like to take a minute of your time to announce that it is PLOT TIME.

Yes you heard me.

There will be a game-wide plot for all and anyone interested, BUT in order for it to get started, I need VOLUNTEERS.

So if you're interested in finding out more, and possibly (if you want to) PARTICIPATING then just comment below and let me (and our lovely mod Nat) know!

[ps: the comments are screened, and no one (animated or otherwise) were harmed in making of this post)

[28 May 2012|06:22am]

After a bit of deliberation last night, I decided that I was unsatisfied with this comm's name, and after a bit of searching, I decided that we will be moving all OOC operations in this game to the comm [info]afterly. Please do not use this community for OOC posts any longer. I'm sorry that this is so sudden, I had a bit of a creative burst last night (more evidence of which you can see over at the mod journal) and got things done in a bit of a flurry. I will keep this community open, but I'm going to turn off unmoderated posting. Membership of [info]afterly will be open for the first few days so you won't have to wait for your membership to be accepted.

Once again, please, move all OOC operations over to [info]afterly.

[28 May 2012|03:28am]



[28 May 2012|02:58am]


Emma here again bringing you another kid. Man. Person. Thing.

IT'S HUCK FINN! Twenty-five year old man-child with two (three if you count the dog) children of his own. Childhood best friend of Tom Sawyer. Adorable and oddly charming. He's friendly as all get out, but chances are* he's going to hold you at arm's length when it comes to trust. He's all alone in the world, and he actually has a nice little stash of money that's all being saved up for his kiddos. He works construction as a job and helps out with Tom's 'business ventures' on the side. He likes to kick back and relax as much as the next guy does, but there will never be alcohol allowed in his house. Somehow, he has custody of his kids and has never been sent to jail.

ALSO: the mother of his daughter is left purposefully ambiguous if anyone decided that they had/were going to have a character who might fit the bill. Hint hint wink wink nudge nudge. His bio is here, and he is open to plot lines.

* - Chances Are is an old RDJ movie. You should all watch it.

HallO! [27 May 2012|09:10am]

So... hallo!

I'm Cede (some of you ought to know me) and this here is Susan Pevensie from 'The Chronicles of Narnia' by CS Lewis, wonderful books if you haven't read them. Unlike a lot of the kids running about here, I'm only taking Susan three years post-canon, so it was just in 2009 that 'The Last Battle' occurred, and from Susan's POV, the train-accident. Nothing really varies from the canon beyond the point. She works for a Fashion Firm on 7th ave, lives in the flat her brother used to own by NYU and drinks wine with the best of them.

If you want to know more about her (I'm sure you do) just read up on her bio or ask me at sheiscede @ aim!

Can't wait to play with all of you! :D


[23 May 2012|04:58pm]

Hey, everybody! It's your mod Nat here with another kidlet. This one is Blossom from the Powerpuff Girls! She's the oldest of three sisters, and you can tell -- she just has that "oldest child" personality. She's nice, if a little bossy, and a very good friend. She's owned a flower shop called Blossom's Blossoms for a few months now, and it's doing pretty well. Oh yeah and despite being a lesbian, she has a son with Adam Young ([info]misplacedspawn). For the explanation to that, and to see more about her, check out her profile here. As always, I am open to any and all plots, so hit me up!

And, on a modly note, please make sure that you run the friending button if you haven't in a while! We've had a wonderful influx of new characters, and we want to make sure that everyone can see journals and such.

[23 May 2012|05:25pm]

So, I think after this one, I'm going to stop obsessively thinking of new characters to pick up.

Hello, again, AEA,

It's Brianna, again. The girl who brought you Veruca Salt ([info]wantstheworld), here with one more character. This is Lilo Pelekai from Disney's Lilo & Stitch. She's nineteen years old now, and a bit grown up. She's weird, eccentric, out spoken and probably a handful for most people. She sporadically left the islands after high school and moved to New York City. She's a jack-of-all-trades type of girl, having held numerous jobs since she's been here including waitressing and housekeeping. At the moment, she works part-time at Conservation Hall at the New York Aquarium as an attendee - basically, she stands there and answers peoples questions about the fish and the aquarium. She also feeds the animals, and has been caught numerous times tossing peanut butter sandwiches into the tanks. However, full-time, she is a semi-professional photographer, her specialty is taking candid pictures of obese tourists, which she posts on her blog. Yes, Lilo is a blogger, she has over 2 million subscribers to her blog world wide and her most popular posts are the ones where she puts up the pictures she takes. People are cruel, aren't they? LOL.

Oh, and there is one more important thing to add about her: She has a dog, his name is Stitch. He's not a nice dog. He looks like a mixture of a collie, terrier, bloodhound and labrador retriever. He also helped Lilo make headlines in the newspapers back ten or fifteen years ago when a dog terrorized a town and a little girl insisted he was an alien. Maybe you heard about that? The dog also attacked a little boy... but wasn't put down because it was deemed that the dog was just defending it's owner as the little boy attempted to beat her up and bully her. Yeah, THAT dog. He's a bit older now, but Lilo loves Stitch and takes him practically everywhere. It's nice that most places in NYC are pet-friendly.

Anywho, I'm sure I left some stuff out, so her information is HERE!! I'm so up for plotting, and so is Veruca Salt! My e-mail (which is the easiest way to reach me) is:!

Happy gaming!
xoxo, Brianna.

[21 May 2012|10:13pm]

Hello, everyone!

My name is Tommy, and I'm brand SPANKIN' new to the game! I'm not too great with introductions, so bare with me while I hash out some things about MIKE TEAVEE.

Yes, that Mike Teavee from Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. I haven't read the books in quite a long time, so as a whole, Mike is a mixture of both movies all combined into one. Now, he's twenty-five and living on his own in New York, holding down a job as a career hacker for the CIA. Mostly, he just tells people that he works with computers. No one asks many questions about what he does for a living though. Mike is highly sarcastic that's filled with skepticism. He also is very quick witted, never turning his back on an opportunity to embarrass someone that he feels deserves it. For someone that is kinda, sorta, basically a nerd - Mike acts more like a bully to the majority of people around him. That doesn't mean that he can't be a good friend. He'll listen, fiercely defend those that he's around that don't annoy the heck out of him. Watch out though, he does have anger issues! Mike is very smart, especially since he easily cracked Wonka's code on the location of his golden ticket. Plus, the job that has proves it too. Other than that, he still watches way too much television, hacking all around the internet, and playing video games filled with violence.

I'm sure that I missed some things about Mike, so check out the application here, if you wanted to read more about him. My email is, and my AIM is DrTommyOliver23. I look forward to plotting and playing with everyone!

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