Under Wandering Stars

... here be bandfic.

10/13/08 01:27 pm - [info]evaine - Tranquility Imposed

Title: Tranquility Imposed
Fandom/Characters: Green Day - Billie Joe/Jason White
Genre: Slash
Word Count: 3021
Summary: Billie's in a mood and that could mean trouble.
Author Notes: Written as a pinch-hit for Xmas Rocks '07/'08

Disclaimer: I own only the words; the people own themselves and the events are fictitious.

Tranquility Imposed )

8/9/07 12:42 am - [info]evaine - At Play

Title: At Play
Author: Evaine
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Billie/Mike/Tré
Disclaimer: I own only the words; the people own themselves and the events are fictitious.
Notes: This drabble (100 words exactly) was written to celebrate the 1,039th member of comingclean, with the prompt of 'congratulations'.


He watched Billie’s hands skim over the pale skin, pausing to let his fingers tease at erect nipples then circle lazily around the edge of the quivering belly button.

He nodded encouragement as the fingers slid lower, tickling at the faint trail of hair, causing the quivering to increase into actual trembling.

He bit back a grin as he met wicked green eyes, then gave it up for lost as Billie’s tongue ran along the curve of an ear.

“Mi-i-ike….” Tré moaned and he pushed the stopwatch button.

“Congratulations. 1039 seconds without a sound.” Mike unsnapped his jeans. “My turn.”

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