Under Wandering Stars

... here be bandfic.

8/9/07 12:48 am - [info]evaine - What's In A Name

Title: What's In A Name
Author: Evaine
Fandom/Characters: Metallica - James/Jason
Rating: PG (I so suck at ratings)
Genre: Slash
Summary: For the prompt of 'Contrast' in bandfic_100.
Disclaimer: I own only the words; the people own themselves and the events are fictitious.

What's In A Name

He hates him sometimes. When lips curl into a sneer beneath the mustache and blue eyes pin him to the spot, a bug on a display card, he hates him. When rough orders bark out with the expectation of immediate and unquestioned compliance, he hates him. When the gaze of steel passes over him dismissively, deeming his words, his presence unimportant, he hates him.

When some deformation of his name drawls past the sneer, he hates him.

Rarely, in the sweaty darkness when the lean body demands surrender and a single urgent whisper—Jason—brushes his ear, he…

Loves him.

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