Tuesday, September 29th, 2009

Who: Maddie and who ever
Where: In town
When: Late day
Why: She's sick of being stuck in the hotel
Rating: TBD
Open?: YES!

Are you hunting for mystic mountains?/Where the air is like liquid laughter? )
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Sunday, August 30th, 2009

Who: Barbara and Madison
What: It's Maddie's birthday! The girls have to do something!
When: Sunday evening
Where: The room and then elsewhere.
Why: See what!
Status: Closed, incomplete.

The conversation earlier this week had Barbara in research mode. She'd dragged up as much as she could find on demon hunting. A lot of the information had been complete crap. Some had been cosplayers and there had been probably one or two archived sites that had held some information, but not all that much. She'd managed to ger some basics, but tonight this was not at the forefront of her attention...

Today was madison's birthday, which was the reason that she now stood outside her door, knocking. She had a plan. Well... the makings of a loose plan. It wasn't a good plan, it wasn't strategic, but she was going to hold onto it. There were things to discuss and she was slightly nervous as she waited for her to open the door. No one should spend their birthday cooped up in their room. Pregnant or not.
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Thursday, August 20th, 2009

Who: Maddie Owens and Barbara Gordon
What: Barbara isn't buying the 'I want to be alone' comment from Maddie
When: Backdated to August 18
Where: Maddie and Sam's room
why: Because Barbara is stubborn.

And I'll huff and I'll puff and I'll blow your (insert hilarious item here) in! )
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Monday, August 17th, 2009

Who: Maddie and Babs
What: Shopping
Where: In town
When: August 17, around 5
Rating: TBD
Status: Incomplete
Open? Yes

Her face is a map of the world, map of the world...and you can hear she's a beautiful girl, she's a beautiful girl... )
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Sunday, August 9th, 2009

WHO: Wade Wilson and Madison Owens
WHEN: August 9, afternoon
WHERE: Basin Park District; standing outside a shop.
SUMMARY: Wade’s out exploring the town.
STATUS: In progress

People buy this crap? )
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Wednesday, July 15th, 2009

Who: Maddie and Babs
What: Window shopping
Where: Around town
When: Afternoon, July 15
Rating: Pg-13?
Status: Incomplete
Open? I guess so

She comes in colors ev'rywhere...She combs her hair...She's like a rainbow...Coming, colors in the air...Oh, everywhere...She comes in colors... )
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Friday, July 10th, 2009

Who: Dean, Sam and Madison
What: Moved again
Where: The hotel
When: Almost noon July 10, 2009
Rating: R?
Status: Incomplete
Open? Nope

Mine's a tale that can't be told...My freedom I hold dear... )
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Tuesday, July 7th, 2009

Who: Barbara Gordon, Madison Owens and Rachel Dawes
What: time together trying to figure out what's going on.
When: July 7, 2009
Where: coffee shop in the hotel
Why: They have to do something. Wht not :D
Status: Complete, closed

It was warm out. Compared to the freezing temperatures of Canada this was a welcome change. Despite this it was still confusing. Yes everyone was in perfect health and they were all here - well mostly, Dean was still missing (she could only imagine how he'd react to finding that they were all missing from the district). She had taken part of yesterday to take her - well Bruce's - bike around town - taking in some of the local culture.

The first thing that had become obvious was that this was not a city that had sky scrapers. It would be something that would have to be addressed if she ever found the cave. There were not Wayne Enterprises-owned storage areas in this town, so she had to find out where it was now. If it had gotten moved.

She sat in the coffee shop in the lobby of the hotel sipping a cup of tea. Sh was waiting for Madison and Rachel. Wit heveryhing going on it was good to have familiar faces around.
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Friday, July 3rd, 2009

Who: Madison and Sam
What: Waking up in the new place...naked
Where: The hotel, their room
When: Morning of July 3, 2009
Rating: TBD, knowing these two, it'd be fairly high.
Status: Incomplete
Open? Nope

Your soul within mine...I'm a book in my dreams...See what I love you means )
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