Saturday, August 22nd, 2009

Who: Elena
What: Walking after being sent back
Where: In town
When: August 22 around 7 PM
Status: Incomplete
Open?: Open

Je peux retrouver ce que l'on cherche dans la nuit,...même si c'est très danserai mon chemin avec les loups. )
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Thursday, August 6th, 2009

Who: Lucius and Narcissa
What: Discussing their son.. Cissa is not pleased
When: August 6, 2009, lunchtime
Where: Cissa's room
Why: Because Cissa doesn't like the fact Draco is shacking up with Pansy
Status: Closed, incomplete.

All the dreaming//Is far behind//You are here now//Everything's alright )
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Thursday, July 30th, 2009

Who: Draco, Pansy, Lucius, Narcissa
What: Dinner
Where: An Italian Restaurant Near the Hotel
Rating: ??
Status: In Progress

It's nice to meet you even if I have known you my whole life... )
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