Jul. 28th, 2008


ONLINE FICTION: The True Master (Master/Other)

Duplicate entry.

In a society where the rank of master or slave defines every aspect of a person's being, what do you do when you're a master and you envy your slaves?

Parental supervision is strongly suggested for this story.

"True slavery or mastership comes as much through training as through birth, and when the training has only just begun, it is natural that a young person would be confused as to his or her proper role in life. I think that patience should be shown toward young people who demonstrate perverse tendencies."

May. 24th, 2008


E-BOOK, BOOKTRAILER, & ONLINE FICTION: Leather, Licking, and Lawnmowers (Leather in Lawnville)

The entry.


ONLINE FICTION: The Slavefic Plot Creator (Master/Other)

The entry.