October 5th, 2011



[EVENT] 025


Bienvenue! Bienvenue, bon soir mesdames et monsieurs!

This event's theme is:


The hotel has been transformed into a school! A large, grand place of learning... with plenty of empty classrooms.

Are you a student or teacher? And is the object or your attention a student or a teacher?

Joie de la vie~!

This event's probably more suited for an AU situation, though if you can make it work in other ways, please do! Please use this post for Questions/Comments. Events are optional.




[ getting toward the end of the day, and someone hasn't paid one whit of attention in this class. he's spent it staring out the window, fiddling with his uniform tie and not bothering to hide that he's excessively bored.

the clock's ticking down through the last minutes. tick, tick, tick... ]

((ooc: Open for anything or anyone. Though the Tsunpire doesn't top, ever. XD))

[event - open]

[Gilbert is the grumpiest teacher you've ever had. He smacks the chalkboard and screams if you talk and throws chalk at you when you talk again. He's that kind of teacher. And guess what? He's staying after class to grade papers.]

Do they think this is a joke? Damn kids... [Grumblegrumblegrade.

Care to come along and comfort this fellow? Or... perhaps inquire about that botch grade you got a week ago?]