October 30th, 2010



[Event | Open]

[Well, this is certainly reminiscent of something similar that happened back in the prison, isn't it? He happened to treat that time like any other, however, so it's no surprise that Axel's calm and nonchalant as he travels down the corridors, black ears flicking every so often to pick up stray sounds and long, black and bushy tail curving around corners and doorknobs just to feel what they're like.

It's kind of fun, actually, like it had been when he'd had the vampire fangs, perhaps, but Axel shrugs off those ideas as he wanders into a room he's never seen before. It looks like a library, a huge library, filled with wooden shelves, tables, chairs, and rolling ladders to reach the highest cases.

And, talk about serendipity, there's something...nearby. Something more like a someone, actually, standing over there--or perhaps sitting over there, quietly engrossed in a book--and all Axel can think about is bothering. He's curious, insanely so, more so than normally, so as his tail swishes side to side and his eyes lock on to the target, he slowly and carefully stalks before running and leaping onto the person, intent on figuring out just what the heck it is they're doing.]

((ooc: That's right. Whoever responds has been pounced on or can sense him and move out of the way if that's what you want. Axel doesn't have that strong of an affect in terms of catlike behavior, but he's after you regardless! React however you see fit~))

[Event | Open]

[Now this is bizarre.

He knows the place by now, recognises the design of the room he's in immediately, so he doesn't find that too strange. But the rest? The silver-white ears protruding from his shaggy hair, not to mention the long grey tail curling out from a strategically-placed hole in his pants? Those are new to him. He recognises them the moment he finds a mirror - he's somehow grown the appendages of a cat. Punishment for that kitten? If he believed in the divine, he might think so, but the closest thing he has to a God wouldn't play such silly tricks.

So. He's an Angel, in Lilim form, who is now part cat. He curls up in one of the chairs, his tail flicking and dancing behind him, and perks up his new ears to see if he can hear anyone approaching. So far, all of his encounters here have been very interesting. Will the pattern hold?]

((ooc: i know i just made a post with him, and i'm still working on those threads, but i couldn't resist making him a catperson. it's just too adorable. anyone wanna play?))