March 14th, 2010



[event | open]

[He woke up on the sand, eyes unfocused, mind unclear. There was something heavy in the air, and with it some familiarity, but everything else was new. The crashing of waves broke him out of his haziness, and the smell of salt water brought with it some fear. How did he get here? It was hard to tell. Looking around, he pushed up from the ground and stood tall. There was something strange happening here. His arms hefted his weight easier, his balance was different, and the weight on his back was lighter. Was he free from the dragons? A feeling of relief swelled in him, until he looked down at the water.

Ashton's mind completely ignored his surroundings: the sheer cliff face, and jagged rocks breaking the rough waters all around. All he could focus on was his face in the calm puddle he had found himself next to. What was staring back at him was most definitely not human.]

W- wh--   what?!

[He clenched his scaled hands together, claws scratching against his palms. What had happened to him? Was this what they wanted all along?]

Gy-  gyoro? Ururun? [Panic crept into his voice. There was nothing but silence from them. No answer at all. He was alone in his body once again, but it wasn't him]

(( ooc: Have a cranky/confused half-dragon something Ashton! Perms for harassment, violence, and mind-screws very much open. Any questions, please ask~ <3 ))