December 14th, 2009



Event'd || OPEN

That disgusting smell assaulting his nostrils is driving him crazy. But even more disturbing is the pitch-black darkness surrounding, embracing him.

Fretting, the blond tries summoning his fire magic, over and over again, not actually comforted by the familiar feeling of fire sprouting from his fingers. If he is able to summon fire, then why, why can't he see a thing?

The darkness is stirring something within him, and so is the overpowering, mind-numbing heat surrounding him. Wandering through the darkness, he stumbles across a soft, elevated surface. A bed? A couch? Who knows? Not actually giving a damn, he sits down on the unknown surface. The heat is suffocating him, fogging his mind; before he is aware of it, the prince finds himself fumbling in the darkness, trying to undo his bow and remove all those annoying layers of clothing.

Whilst undoing the buttons of his white shirt, his hand stumbles across a patch of exposed skin. Hesitantly, he lets his fingers run through his chest, savoring the feeling of his touch against his burning chest. So good. Touching more, he is too lost in sensations to pay attention to the little voice that is nagging him about how this is a very wrong place and very wrong situation to start touching himself.

Even so, the traveling hand does not halt. Closing his eyes, he lays his back against the soft fabric, as that hand, those soft fingers become those of a certain black haired boy. It's always like this, good. Not mind-blowing or electrifying, just good. Every time he fantasizes about the baseball kid, the prince can't help wondering what would it feel like to have the real thing. If only the hands roaming his body were truly those of that baseball nerd.

A stifled yet heated moan bearing the name of him whom the prince treasures above anyone else resonates through the darkness.

If only...
{ooc: I'm bored and I have way too much free time on my hands, so please feel free to join~}

[Event | Open]

[He was not entirely certain how he had been drawn here, gripping a key in his hand, almost if in a trance. When he snaps out of it he sees nothing, only darkness but it isn't the kind that's suffocating; it's warm and inviting. Frowning he's silent for a few long moments. Just before he should have been at the mansion discussing things with Sebastian -- how could he have ended up here? Sleep walking?]

Sebastian. Come.