December 3rd, 2009


[Event - open]

[Kaito had taken it upon himself to venture out into the dark and see if he could find anything, but so far everything suddenly just felt... different. The air felt thicker and he was starting to consider the possibility of him being lost, but-- no. He didn't do getting lost. He definitely meant to walk down this specific hallway of the asylum while muttering to himself.]

The fuck do I need another key for? This place is shit.

[Event | Open]

[It was way too quiet. Shifting his black eyes through the darkness his answer was the same each time! He couldn't see anything!] Hello? Is anyone there?!

[Why was he even in this dark building? He could vaguely remember entering the hotel but where was it? He clenched his fist to find a key in his hand.] This isn't some sort of Murder Mystery game is it?