November 24th, 2009



[EVENT] 009


Bienvenue! Bienvenue, bon soir madames et monsieurs!

This week's theme is:

In the Dark

All the lights in the building have suddenly gone out! Everything is pitch black, all around you. Though, perhaps you are lucky enough to find one of the candles scattered around the building; there are matches and lighters, as well. And do keep in mind candles are incredibly versatile items.

And maybe it's the darkness that's causing it, but your sense of touch feels... heightened. Every brush of fingers or even the lightest breath... they're stronger, more intense.

Joie de la vie~!

Please use this post for Questions/Comments. Events are optional. Your mod so clearly fails at keeping a schedule, so change over time is TBD for right now.



[Event] [Open]

[ Well, shit. Nothing like being completely blind in a labyrinthine building to make you appreciate the eye you had before. Despite the darkness, he's fairly confident as he moves, though one hand stays on the wall, feeling for the imperfections that will help him remember where he's going. And it's surprisingly easy, too... the tiny grooves in the wallpaper feel very clear under his fingers. Thank Heaven for small favors. ]




[ Even his heightened senses cannot make anything of the darkness surrounding him. It's enough to make his hair stand on end and take a generally surly vampire to the height of paranoia. The scents, sounds and feel of the place is different; not the prison. His full abilities have been restored. And yet he cannot see anything, even when dropping the human facade.

Fine. He has patience when it's needed. He'll just stand exactly where he is until the lights come back. And woe betide anyone who crosses his path before they do. ]

((ooc: Kamui from Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle from [info]marinasylum. As his username implies, he is a very cranky little tsundere kitty. Unless you're Subaru, prepare for a little bit of a fight. ))